Trips 2024, October

Unusual places in Belarus

Unusual places in Belarus

TOP 7 unusual places in Belarus - description, photos

Small towns of Karelia

Small towns of Karelia

Small towns of Karelia - tourist Karelia, excursions, list, photos, description

SPA, sauna, hammam and - luxurious hair

SPA, sauna, hammam and - luxurious hair

Hello Friend! We have already opened the vacation season, it's time to make sure that the dust of the roads that you and I will go through does not dampen the radiance of our beauty. Therefore, today we will go to the bathhouse! It doesn't matter what the Aboriginal people call it:

Walking tours in the Czech Republic

Walking tours in the Czech Republic

Description of hiking trails in the Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne, Moravian Karst, Mount Snezka, Bohemian Paradise

Walking tours in Georgia

Walking tours in Georgia

Description of hiking trails in Georgia, 3 most popular hiking trails

How much money to take to China

How much money to take to China

How much money do you need to take to China - rental housing, travel, excursions in China, gifts and souvenirs

Far East Walking Tours

Far East Walking Tours

Description of hiking routes in the Far East, TOP 3 routes in Primorsky Krai, Priamurye, Kamchatka, Sakhalin

Where to stay in Jurmala

Where to stay in Jurmala

Where is the best place to stay in Jurmala, in what area, hotels, nuances of accommodation

Small towns of the Leningrad region

Small towns of the Leningrad region

Small towns of the Leningrad region - from St. Petersburg to the north, to the east, to the west, to the south

Walking tours in Armenia

Walking tours in Armenia

Description of hiking routes in Armenia, TOP 3 routes in Primorsky Krai, Amur, Kamchatka, Sakhalin

Walking routes in the Volga region

Walking routes in the Volga region

Description of hiking routes in the Volga region, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Samara, Tatarstan

Where to stay in Genoa

Where to stay in Genoa

Where is the best place to stay in Genoa, in what area, hotels, the nuances of accommodation

Traveling to Cuba with children: how to plan the perfect vacation?

Traveling to Cuba with children: how to plan the perfect vacation?

When planning a family vacation, we first of all think about whether the chosen destination is suitable for our children. Will they be comfortable and fun? How will they cope with the flight and climate change? Holidays on Liberty Island with children will not give you any difficulties.

What to see in Mykonos

What to see in Mykonos

What to see in Mykonos: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

What to see in Santorini

What to see in Santorini

What to see in Santorini: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

Unusual places in Turkey

Unusual places in Turkey

TOP 7 unusual places in Turkey - description, photos

What to see in Crete

What to see in Crete

What to see in Crete: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

Unusual places in Abkhazia

Unusual places in Abkhazia

TOP 7 unusual places in Abkhazia - description, photos

What to see in Corfu

What to see in Corfu

What to see in Corfu: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

What to see in Bali

What to see in Bali

What to see in Bali: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

Where to stay in Porto

Where to stay in Porto

Where is the best place to stay in Porto, in what area, hotels, the nuances of accommodation

What to see in Java

What to see in Java

What to see in Java: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

Guide to Cuban Carnivals

Guide to Cuban Carnivals

Cuba attracts tourists not only with pristine tropical nature, white beaches and blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, but also with colorful carnivals, rhythms of incendiary salsa. If you want to plunge into the enchanting world of carnivals, then it is better to go to Cuba in the summer.

Where to stay in Astrakhan

Where to stay in Astrakhan

Where is it better to stay in Astrakhan, in what area, hotels, nuances of accommodation

What to see in Halong Bay

What to see in Halong Bay

What to see in Halong Bay: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

Where to stay in Tambov

Where to stay in Tambov

Where is the best place to stay in Tambov, in what area, hotels, the nuances of accommodation

How much money to take to Turkey

How much money to take to Turkey

How much money do you need to take to Turkey - rental housing, travel, excursions in Turkey, gifts and souvenirs

What to see in Fukuoka

What to see in Fukuoka

What to see in Fukuoka: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

Natural reserves of Cuba

Natural reserves of Cuba

Cuba is a country of natural beauty and exotic attractions. The island will impress even the most sophisticated tourist. Indeed, in addition to incredible beaches, warm sea and clean sand, Cuba can delight tourists with a charming landscape, parks and reserves.

Where to stay in Tuapse

Where to stay in Tuapse

Where is it better to stay in Tuapse, in what area, hotels, the nuances of living

The city of Holguin. What to see? How to get there? Where to stay?

The city of Holguin. What to see? How to get there? Where to stay?

Holguín Province is the second most important resort area in Cuba. If Varadero is a developed tourist center with a large number of hotels, restaurants and noisy discos, then Holguín is notable for its calm and measured rhythm of life, large national parks and picturesque coral valleys.

Cuban food tour

Cuban food tour

Today, gastronomic tours to distant and exotic countries are becoming more and more popular. The opportunity to get acquainted with the national cuisine, try not only delicious dishes in advertised restaurants, but also the usual food of local residents is another way to join another culture, discover a palette of new tastes, and expand your ideas about the world.

Travel checklist: what to take with you to London

Travel checklist: what to take with you to London

Doubting what to take with you on your trip? Sounds familiar. We are always afraid to forget the necessary thing (as luck would have it, this is never a trifle like tweezers, but a passport or a phone). Or it is ridiculous to dress and attract everyone's eyes (not at all admiring).

The Old Man and the Sea: Fishing in Cuba

The Old Man and the Sea: Fishing in Cuba

Why is Cuba so attractive? Picturesque nature, clean beaches, clear and warm sea, exotic fruits, national drinks and the atmosphere of a constant holiday! Drivers from all over the world come here to wander in the coral gardens among the remains of sunken ships, and in recent years, fishing has become increasingly popular, because all conditions have been created here for both amateur and sport fishing!

What to see in Casablanca

What to see in Casablanca

What to see in Casablanca: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

Islands-resorts of Cuba

Islands-resorts of Cuba

If you are vacationing in Cuba for a long time and have already managed to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Cuban celebration of life, taste national dishes, cigars and rum, go around protected areas and see cultural attractions - you will probably want to enjoy the real silence of nature when it seems as if time has stopped, and your body and mind, having received a lot of impressions, relish them in memories and gain strength for new discoveries.

Holguin beaches

Holguin beaches

When on October 28, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the Bay of Bariei, in the east of Holguín province (Cuba), he did not imagine that five centuries later his statue would be installed here and a whole national historical park was laid out around the memorial complex.

What to see in Kyrgyzstan

What to see in Kyrgyzstan

What to see in Kyrgyzstan: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

What to see in Qatar

What to see in Qatar

What to see in Qatar: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists

What to see in Turkmenistan

What to see in Turkmenistan

What to see in Turkmenistan: top 10 attractions worth visiting for tourists