Where to stay in Tuapse

Where to stay in Tuapse
Where to stay in Tuapse
photo: Where to stay in Tuapse
photo: Where to stay in Tuapse
  • City districts
  • Centre
  • Primorye
  • Grozneft
  • Star
  • Sorting
  • Leopard gap
  • Kalarasha
  • Kadosh

Although Tuapse is not officially considered a Black Sea resort, many tourists perceive this city as a place for a beach holiday. Every year many tourists come here and they do not remain disappointed: the locals are very hospitable, the sea is gentle, and the weather is usually just great.

The length of the coast, washed here by sea waves, is about ten kilometers. As you move away from the coast, the terrain begins to gradually rise - this is one of the features of the city. It is important to consider it when choosing a place of residence.

The local climate is largely characteristic of the subtropics. The humidity is high. Sometimes there are quite cold winds coming from behind the mountains. There are not four seasons here, as in many other regions of our country, but in fact only two: one of them is warm, the second is cool. When planning a vacation in this city, keep in mind that in October it is much warmer here than in April. Precipitation is possible here at any time of the year; in winter, sometimes it can even go wet.

City districts


There is no official division into districts in the city. However, local residents believe that the urban area is divided into eight districts:

  • Centre;
  • Primorye;
  • Kalarash;
  • Grozneft;
  • Sorting;
  • Star;
  • Leopard gap;
  • Kadosh.

The first of the named areas is the central part of the urban area and the adjacent sea coast. The Primorye region is located in the north-west of the city, near the Spider (this is the name of one of the local rivers). Kalarasha is located upstream of the same river. The Grozneft region is located on the left bank of the river, which bears the same name as the city, and Sorting is on its right bank. Zvezdnaya is the highest urban area. Leopard gap is located on the outskirts of the city, in the gorge. Kadosh is located on the other side of the city, near a high cliff.

Now let's talk about urban areas in more detail.


Hotel "Karavella"

There are no industrial enterprises in this part of the city, it is very green here. The area is well-groomed and comfortable. There are many small shops here: there are plenty of opportunities for shopping lovers. Also in this area there are two cinemas and a cultural and entertainment center.

The main local attraction is a long alley, on both sides of which plane trees rise. This alley is over a hundred years old. Its length is about eight hundred meters. Comfortable benches are installed under the shade of plane trees. Local residents and guests of the city love to spend time here, sit under the branches of century-old trees and admire the surrounding beauty. According to travelers' reviews, this is one of the best places in the city. However, plane trees in the central part of the city grow not only in one alley: the foliage of these trees (though not centuries old) also rustles over other streets of the district.

Another local attraction is the museum of the artist Alexander Kiselev, whose paintings glorified the beauty of the Black Sea coast. In the museum you can admire his work. There are also a number of other attractions in the area - for example, you can see unusual fountains here.

There is a polyclinic in the center of the city; buildings of security services and various social organizations are built right there. The city administration is also located here, of course. The territory of the commercial seaport (with a grain terminal) is also part of the central area of the city.

Real estate here is very expensive: the area is considered prestigious. If we talk about the cost of hotel rooms, then in this respect the area is considered expensive (the most expensive in the city). But don't be alarmed: the prices here are only high compared to prices in other urban areas. In general, the cost of rooms in local hotels usually pleases Russians: the local hotel business is mainly designed for clients with average incomes, so there are practically no really “exorbitant” prices here.

Where to stay: guest house "Kalinina 13", hotel "Karavella", hotel "Rus".


Hotel "Moscow"

In this area, you will see many residential buildings, mostly five-story and nine-story. There are also a number of one-story houses. The area is not the most prestigious in the city, but it is still considered one of the best.

Many consider the luxurious building of the tax office to be a landmark of the area. Having looked at this palace, guests of the city come to the conclusion that the local population pays taxes regularly and very willingly.

Where to stay: guest house "Jasmin", hotel "Moscow", guest house "Odisseya Guest House".


Hotel "Magnolia"

The very name of the region suggests that there must be something related to oil refining here. And this is true: the area is industrial. The refinery is located on the left bank of the river. The plant is dynamically developing and growing. Its territory is constantly increasing.

There is a shopping and entertainment center in the area; it was built on the site where a shoe factory was once located.

The area is considered not the best for living. There are few new, modern buildings here. Most of the buildings are old (but still not old enough to be historical landmarks).

Traffic jams are common in the area. The fact is that the highway passing through its territory is very narrow, and the traffic load on it is great (it leads to one of the popular Black Sea resorts).

Where to stay: guest house "Grape vine", hostel "Olimp", hotel "Magnolia".


Hotel "Zvezdnyi"
Hotel "Zvezdnyi"

Hotel "Zvezdnyi"

The name of this area comes from the name of one of its streets. There are many residential buildings with a height ranging from five to nine floors. Most of them were built in the 80s of the XX century. There are practically no attractions in this urban area, but many tourists prefer to stay here. One of the reasons is the very affordable rates in hotels and guest houses.

Where to stay: hotel "Zvezdnyi", guest house "Chaika", guest house "Evgeniya".


Guest house "Amigo"

This area stretches along the gorge. It is built in a mountainous area and is located at a considerable distance from the sea coast. The unusual name of the area is explained by the fact that a railway junction is located here.

Most of the houses here are no more than five stories high. They were built in the late 40s or 50s of the XX century (that is, in the post-war period). The choice of hotels in the area is limited, but you can stay in a hotel or guest house nearby.

Where to stay: guest house "Chinar", guest house "Amigo", guest house "House by the road".

Leopard gap

Guest house "Fantasy"
Guest house "Fantasy"

Guest house "Fantasy"

No, there are no leopards here; The name of the region is explained by something completely different: once upon a time there lived a rich merchant by the name of Barsov. He traded in fish.

The entire area is located on mountain slopes. Its streets are narrow and winding. Peace and quiet reign here: in this respect, the area is perfect for families with small children. It will be appreciated by those who want to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

Several modern buildings were built here relatively recently. The area itself is not rich in hotels and guest houses, but you can choose a place to stay nearby.

Where to stay: guest house "Warm room", guest house "Fantasy".


Recreation center "Canyon"

The name of this urban area comes from the name of one of its streets. Industrial enterprises are located here. Despite this, the area is still considered one of the most prestigious in the city. The reason is that relatively recently, several modern residential complexes were built here.

Where to stay: recreation center "Kanyon", apartments "Morskaya Dacha", guest house "On Klyuchevoy", guest house "Kalarasha".


Holiday house "Cape Kadosh"
Holiday house "Cape Kadosh"

Holiday house "Cape Kadosh"

This area of the city pleases the eye with dense greenery: there is a large forest park here. There are many cottages built on the territory of the district.

Having settled here, you will live not far from the famous natural attraction - the Kiselev rock. Its height is about forty-six meters, and its width is about sixty meters. The rock is completely sheer: in fact, it is a tall, smooth wall of natural origin. The name was given to her in honor of the artist Alexander Kiselev, who depicted this natural landmark on his canvases many times. He often visited this area; for the first time the painter visited it in the mid-80s of the XIX century, and the last time - in the 10s of the XX century (shortly before his death). The reason for such frequent visits is that the artist's dacha was located here. This house was often visited by famous cultural figures, the hospitable host received Ivan Aivazovsky, Maxim Gorky, Alexander Serafimovich here. Alas, the dacha has not survived to this day: it was destroyed during the Civil War.

However, some argue that the rock is named not at all in honor of the painter who has depicted it many times in his paintings, but in honor of his full namesake - the famous power engineer. Disputes between supporters of both points of view continue to this day.

One way or another, the rock is a very popular tourist destination. She usually tops the list of city attractions (although it is actually located outside the city). By the way, it was here that the famous fishing scene from the movie "The Diamond Arm" was filmed.

Where to stay: "Cape Kadosh" holiday house, "Family" guest house, "Almaz" guest house.

If life on the seaside and the subtropical climate attracts you, then you should visit this hospitable city.

