Brest Fortress Defense Museum description and photos - Belarus: Brest

Brest Fortress Defense Museum description and photos - Belarus: Brest
Brest Fortress Defense Museum description and photos - Belarus: Brest
Museum of the Defense of the Brest Fortress
Museum of the Defense of the Brest Fortress

Description of the attraction

The Museum of the Defense of the Brest Fortress was opened on November 8, 1956. It is located on the central island of the Citadel in the Engineering Barracks, the only surviving part of the northeastern edge of the Citadel.

The museum was created as a monument of military glory and a means of Soviet propaganda. In the USSR, a visit to the Museum of the Defense of the Brest Fortress was considered mandatory for official foreign delegations.

Decorated in red and black colors, illuminated stands make a very strong impression on visitors. Here, real historical finds of items from the times of the war are side by side with mannequins in military uniforms, items of peaceful pre-war life and posters from the times of the war. All materials are arranged in such a way that the effect of presence is created. It seems that aerial bombs hanging on the ceiling of the hall are falling from the sky on the heads of visitors, and the guitar, left on the chair, sounded a minute ago.

On June 21, 1961, the first meeting of the defenders of the Brest Fortress took place, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the attack of the fascist army on the Brest Fortress. In connection with this event, the exhibition area was increased by 2, 5 times. It was 1000 square meters.

The exposition of the museum is currently located in 10 halls. On the basis of the collection, which has been formed for more than 50 years, an exhibition of cold arms and small arms of the 18th-20th centuries is open in the museum.

The halls on the first and second floors are used for temporary exhibitions. There are thematic exhibitions on various memorable dates, as well as exhibitions of weapons.

