Far East Walking Tours

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Far East Walking Tours
Far East Walking Tours

Video: Far East Walking Tours

Video: Far East Walking Tours
Video: Far East Plaza Singapore Virtual Walking Tour 4K 2024, September
photo: Walking tours in the Far East
photo: Walking tours in the Far East
  • Top 3 routes in Primorsky Krai
  • Top 3 routes in the Amur Region
  • Top 3 routes in Kamchatka
  • Top 4 routes in Sakhalin
  • On a note

The Far East is a land almost unknown to European tourists. Meanwhile, incredible beauty lies in it: active volcanoes, a majestic ocean coast, endless forests and hills, habitats of tigers and bears … There are more than twenty large state reserves in the Far East: Siberian cedars are preserved here and the population of Far Eastern leopards is being revived, whales and sharks are being studied, bears and lynxes, so there are a lot of options for hiking here.

Top 3 routes in Primorsky Krai


The Khasansky cascade of waterfalls is a cascade of five stepped waterfalls formed by the Kravtsovsky stream near the village of Kravtsovka. There is a trail along the entire cascade, but it is quite steep and not equipped, so you need at least good shoes. Not far from the waterfall there is a recreation area with places for barbecues. The route is 300 m long, but it is a steep climb.

The Sikhote-Alin meteorite craters are the place where a large meteorite fell to the ground in 1947. It split, and as a result of the fall of its fragments, more than 120 crater craters were formed, and the fragments themselves remained so lying within a radius of 2-3 km from the collision. The largest of these fragments weighs over one and a half tons. The place has been declared a natural monument. Several eco-trails have been laid through the reserve, which include a visit to this place, the minimum length of the route is 10 km.

The Black Shaman waterfall is the highest waterfall in Primorye, its height is 23 meters, and it is located at the source of the Amgu River. The waterfall is called so because at its top there is a huge black stone. The gorge itself is surrounded by high rocks, and just upstream there is another cascade of waterfalls. You can get here from the village. Terney. The route is multi-day and will take at least a week. The length of the route is 168 km.

Top 3 routes in the Amur Region

Sopka Zmeinaya, not far from Khabarovsk, is one of the most picturesque places for hiking: a rocky mountain overgrown with cedars, which is easy to climb, although the route is quite steep in places. There is a convenient parking at the top - many people hike here to spend the night. At the foot of the mountain there is an entrance to the old adits, to which there is also a path. The length of the route is 10.5 km.

The Tsar's Road is a route along the abandoned "Tsar's" railway in the Niman Nature Reserve. It starts from the old molybdenum mine and leads along the highway, which was completed just in time for the 1917 revolution. The road goes through the reserve, through the taiga, so it allows you to get acquainted with the flora of this region and with numerous birds. The length of the route is 40 km.

Muravyevsky Park is a small non-state national park located near Blagoveshchensk in the Amur floodplain. It is home to more than 300 species of birds: first of all, these are cranes, there are 6 of them here, as well as storks, herons and other waterfowl. The park was founded in 1996. Several ecological routes have been laid along its territory, in addition, there are aviaries with birds available for sightseeing with excursions. The total length of routes in the park is more than 20 km.

Top 3 routes in Kamchatka

The Tolbachik ring is the most popular multi-day route along the most interesting and most active volcanic massif of Kamchatka at the moment - Tolbachik. The volcano consists of two peaks: Ostry Tolbachik and Plosky Tolbachik. It erupted for the last time in 2013, and now you can see the traces of the last eruptions. The Great Tolbachik Eruption in 1975-76 was especially strong. On this route, you can see lava that has not yet cooled down, a "dead forest" that was covered by an eruption, and only skeletons remained of the trees, and much more. The length of the route is 80 km.

Valley of Geysers in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. In addition to volcanoes, Kamchatka has hot springs - geysers, most of which are concentrated in the "valley of geysers" - one of the 7 wonders of Russia. This is a valley where there are many hot springs of different temperatures. She is incredibly beautiful because she is covered in steam all the time. Usually they are thrown there by helicopter, otherwise it is difficult to get here. The length of the route along the Valley itself is about 8 km.

Vershinsky lakes and mineral springs in the Nalychevo National Park - an easy route for one or two days to a beautiful lake, from where a wide panorama of the mountains and volcanoes of the Dzenzur-Zhupanovskaya group opens up, through cold mineral springs and the Kupol volcano. The length of the route is 35-42 km.

Top 4 routes in Sakhalin

The Northern Ring is an eco-trail with signs, information posters and gazebos, which leads along the river bank, through the oak forest and the foothills of the Russian Mountain. The route is not difficult, but it allows you to fully appreciate the beauty of the northern landscape. On the way there is a spring and observation platforms. The length of the route is 8, 7 km.

In the vicinity of the city, near the village of Klyuchi, there is a unique natural monument - a mud volcano. It is a 200-meter high mud dome. The volcano is active: its small griffin craters constantly gurgle, and in 2011 it last truly erupted high fountains of mud. In Russia, there are such volcanoes only on Taman and Sakhalin. The route is equipped with posters and places for recreation, but educational excursions for schoolchildren are conducted on it. The length of the route is 10 km.

From Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to Chekhov Peak and to the ocean is an easy route that allows you to see both the sea and the mountains. It starts from the village of Novoderevenskaya near Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and leads along an abandoned railway through the grandiose tunnels and mud volcano carved in the mountains to Chekhov Peak, at the top of which the remains of a Japanese Shinto shrine are preserved. This mountain was once considered sacred. Further, the road goes to the coast, the village of Vzmorye and Tikhaya Bay, where the remains of another Japanese temple are preserved, you can see many birds and sea animals, and most importantly - the mesmerizing expanse of the ocean among the bizarre rocks. The length of the route is 70 km.

The route to Labynkyr Lake through the Oymyakonskoye Upland starts from the village of Tomtor along the wide valley of the Kuidusun River. The river itself is very picturesque and forms islets, has tributaries and a beautiful winding channel, and poplars and dwarf birches grow along its banks. There are very, very many lakes in these places, just the Labynkyr lake is the largest among them. In one of the lakes, which is called the Gate, according to legend, there is a prehistoric monster, in any case, expeditions for observations come there regularly. You can spend the night on this route in hunting lodges, they are built approximately at a distance of 20-25 km. apart. On the way there will be reindeer meadows, groups of various outliers, thickets of wild rhododendron. The length of the route is 230 km.

On a note


Unfortunately, there are a lot of ticks in the Far Eastern forests. And not only ticks - mosquitoes, midges, gnats - all this is here. Off-season - this is when there are few blood-sucking insects, during the season there are clouds of them, so repellents are a must.

In the Far East, there are places where bears, Amur tigers and other wild animals are found - be careful, read the rules of conduct when meeting an animal. Where bears are found, it is strictly forbidden to leave trash behind. It is better to store your supplies not in tents, but away from the camp - suddenly someone will come for them …

Cellular communication works poorly here, some operators do not have their own coverage at all.

