- Walks in Greater Sochi
- Sochi is a city for children
Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory have long been competitors, tourists only had to watch this "battle of the titans", choosing the best places and resorts. Walking around Sochi today proves that the city won in the "fight" for the guest, of course, the last Winter Olympics helped to a large extent.
The city has changed significantly in terms of architecture, social and entertainment infrastructure. Now they come here not only in summer, but also in winter, master ski routes and winter fun. But the main flow of tourists to Sochi rushes with the arrival of warm sunny days.
Walks in Greater Sochi

The resort is included in the list of peculiar record holders, it is called the most elongated city in Russia, stretching for tens of kilometers along the Black Sea coast. The historical center smoothly flows into the neighboring districts, also known for their resorts, sanatoriums and holiday homes.
There are not many historical buildings and structures in the city, but after all, tourists do not come here for this, the main goal is the sea, sun, nature. Therefore, walks around the city turn, rather, into amazing trips to the world of southern nature, and the main attractions are associated with the world of exotic flora and fauna. The first places in the list of the most popular places among the guests of Sochi are occupied by:
- "Secrets of the Ocean" - the oldest oceanarium in the region;
- "Aquatoria", "Riviera", "Starfish" - dolphinariums, a kind of pass to the world of amazing inhabitants of the deep sea;
- Sochi Arboretum, introducing the best representatives of the kingdom of subtropical flora.
Sochi is a city for children
In Soviet times, a rare family ventured on long trips with small children, today it is in the order of things. That is why during the grandiose restructuring of Sochi before the Olympics, most of the facilities were planned specifically for the children's audience, and they work both in summer and in winter.
In winter, there are routes and trails for children at ski resorts, experienced instructors will teach children how to ski and snowboard. In summer, sightseeing excursions are good in the vicinity of Sochi, which are breathtaking, as they pass along the cable cars. Children and dolphinariums adore, by the way, in many of them, you can not only watch performances, but also swim with dolphins. A walk through the "Berendey Kingdom" - a fabulous park, will not leave indifferent either the little guest or his parents.