- Climate
- Holidays in the North Sea
- Underwater world
The financial and business capital of the world, the heir to the centuries-old European culture, the largest shopping center - all this is about London. The capital of Great Britain grew up in the south of the British kingdom. The only thing that the harsh geography has deprived the city of is the sea, in London it is replaced by the legendary River Thames, which flows into the North Sea.
However, the absence of the sea coast does not greatly upset the residents of the capital, it is actually a stone's throw away - short distances separate from the seaside resorts of London. For example, to Eastbourne about 85 kilometers, to Brighton - 80 kilometers, and to Southampton, from where cruises in Europe and around the world start - about 100 kilometers.
London is connected to the sea through the Thames, which flows into the North Sea in the southeast of the British island. River cruises and walks are regularly organized along it, which, in terms of fascination and comfort, is in no way inferior to sea trips.
If desired, the coast can be reached by car in a little over an hour, or by public transport.
The cool waters of the North Sea have a strong influence on the climatic features of coastal regions. Rapid currents bring western winds to the shore with fogs and rains that reach the capital. The air temperature in winter is from +2 to -7 °, in the summer months it rarely rises above 18-20 °, although in hot summer it can be 22-25 °. Due to the small distance from the sea in London, these figures are slightly higher, there are milder winters and warm summers.
The water temperature in the south in winter is about 2-7 °, in summer 16-20 °, depending on the region, in the northern regions this figure is lower. To tourists accustomed to warm tropical seas, the North Sea rightly seems too cold, but the inhabitants of Foggy Albion, accustomed to their climate, do not seem to notice these inconveniences.
The cool climate helps to avoid solar deceit - while sunburn and more serious health problems are easy to get in the tropics and Mediterranean latitudes, you can rest safely and comfortably in London and its seaside environs without suffering from sweltering heat and scorching sun rays.
The North Sea is also characterized by strong tides with high waves.
Holidays in the North Sea
Beach resorts closest to London:
- Brighton.
- Southend-on-Sea.
- Hastings.
- Bexhill.
There are magnificent sandy beaches with convenient entry into the water. The North Sea is shallow for the most part and is characterized by a uniform deepening with distance from the coast. Swimming here is not very pleasant because of the cold water and strong wind, so most of the tourists either sit on the shore or admire the sea from a table in a cafe. The most advanced swim in wetsuits.
Far more popular than swimming in these parts is fishing - sea, full of adrenaline and excitement. For tourists, they organize a tour with access to the open sea on boats, the locals get by with their own boats. Thanks to the natural abundance, you can catch a decent catch. Although whatever the catch, it is customary to release it back into the sea, in London you can also book a fishing tour in neighboring resorts or come to fishing villages on your own.
Underwater world
The flora and fauna of the North Sea is incredibly diverse. Of course, there is no such riot of colors and uniform diversity as in the warm southern seas, but in terms of species set and quantity, it is not much inferior to its tropical neighbors.
The sea has become home to 300 species of plants, 1500 species of animals, 100 species of fish. Phytoplankton, brown, green, red algae, zostera, fucoids, diatomites grow at the bottom.
Water spaces are inhabited by hundreds of species of crustaceans, crabs, shrimps, sea worms, mussels, modiols, scallops, oysters, amphipods, sea acorns. The fauna is represented by killer whales, seals, porpoises, dolphins.
The sea is home to an incredible amount of fish - haddock, cod, mackerel, herring, flounder, mackerel, smelt, navaga, salmon and many others. Throughout the district, hundreds of cozy restaurants are open, preparing wonderful delicacies from seafood, fresh fish and everything that the generous North Sea gives people, in London it will also not be difficult to taste fresh fish - the best catch is delivered right here, to the refined and sophisticated restaurants of the capital.
The predatory fauna of the North Sea is represented by the cat shark, katran, European angelfish, Atlantic herring shark. The blue shark and hammerfish swim here from time to time.