The Republic of Serbia is one of the fragments of Yugoslavia, which once existed on the political map of Europe. After the division of the SFRY into separate states in the 90s of the last century, each of the newly baked independent republics received their new borders, within which natural resources, historical sights, seas and mountains, lakes and rivers were concentrated. Unlike its neighbors, Serbia did not get the sea. Curious tourists planning a trip to the Balkans often ask representatives of travel agencies which sea is washing Serbia, and, having received a negative answer, are disappointed. In fact, the sea here more than replaces the Danube - a river about which songs and legends are composed in many countries of the Old World.
International treasure
The Danube flows through several European countries, and the first written records of the great river date back to the 5th century BC. Its source is located in Germany. It is formed by the confluence of two small streams that run off the Alps. A characteristic feature of the course of the European river is the change in the direction of its channel along the entire route.
Interesting Facts:
- The first stone bridge across the river was built at the beginning of the 2nd century by Emperor Trajan.
- At the very beginning of its journey, the Danube briefly disappears under the ground in order to "resurrect" again next to the famous Aachian key.
- In cold winters, the river can freeze and remain under the ice for at least a month.
- The capital of Serbia, Belgrade, is located at the confluence of the Sava River with the Danube.
- Over a year, at least 270 cubic meters of water pass through the Danube River. km of water.
- The length of its channel is almost three thousand kilometers, which allows the Danube to occupy the second step of the podium among European rivers. Only the Volga has a great length.
- The Danube flows through the territory of ten countries of the Old World, and its tributaries supply nine more countries with fresh water.
- The famous river flows into the Black Sea. Its delta is protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
Belgrade has no equal in taste and color
When the guests ask what seas are in Serbia, its capital can answer in a very unusual way. In Belgrade, in the literal sense of the word, a sea of restaurants with national cuisine is open, where dinner is certainly accompanied by the play of musicians. The menu contains the best examples of dishes that have been cooked in these parts for centuries. The local chefs are especially good at grilled meat and fish delicacies and sweet pastries of all kinds.