Description of the attraction
The Grodno Cabinet of Curiosities, or, as it is scientifically called, the Teratological Museum, opened quite recently - in early 2012. The exposition belongs to the Department of Human Anatomy of the Grodno State Medical University. The exhibits were collected throughout the 20th century. Now such a collection is almost impossible to collect due to the fact that at the current level of early diagnosis, pregnancies with serious pathologies end in early abortions.
The building of the Kunstkamera was built at the beginning of the 18th century and belongs to the oldest buildings in Grodno. It once housed the gallery of King Augustus II. According to the founder of the museum, associate professor of the department of human anatomy Yuri Kiselev, the museum's task is a kind of promotion of a healthy lifestyle among young people.
There are two halls in the Grodno Cabinet of Curiosities: the hall of normal human anatomy and the hall of paranormal anatomy. In the first room, visitors are invited to look at the healthy organs of a person and the lungs of a smoker or alcoholic liver, as well as the liver of an obese person. The second contains exhibits with deviations from the normal development of the human embryo. The creators of the museum claim that most of these Siamese twins, two-headed babies, etc. were born due to the fact that their parents did not lead a healthy lifestyle.
This museum has unique guides that hardly any other museum can boast - all the professors and teachers of the university, who will explain from a scientific point of view why such anomalies can occur with the human embryo and what should not be done so that an infant with developmental disabilities is not born.