Description of the attraction
The Sea Curiosities Museum, located in the Crimean resort village of Shtormovoe, is one of the most unusual museums in Ukraine. It was founded by the efforts of the Lopakovs and their daughter Elena with the aim of attracting human attention to the problems of pollution and the ecology of the Black Sea, the development of fantasy and imagination in children. The museum, which began its activities in June 2006, has already received many positive reviews from its visitors.
The museum displays a collection of bottles that came to Crimea from the shores of Bulgaria, Russia and Turkey, as well as driftwood, shoes, toys, toothbrushes, combs and other items thrown ashore. A separate exposition is the wreckage of ancient ships, some of which are decorated with wrought antique nails. The highlight of the museum is that all of its exhibits were raised from the depths of the sea by storms. Overgrowing with algae and molluscs, they are transformed into new, fantastic, amazing creatures, and in which ones, visitors are invited to guess during the excursion.
Most of the marine finds become exhibits after revision, sometimes one small "stroke" is missing, so that the garbage thrown out of the sea surface turns into a fantastic sea character. And sometimes an exhibit is created from scratch from clay, sand, shells and algae.
A tour of the Sea Curiosities Museum turns into an emotional and at the same time fascinating journey into a fairy tale about the mighty Black Sea. Various characters from the depths of the sea help to talk about Crimea, flora and fauna of the Black Sea, about its problems created by the irresponsibility and carelessness of people.
For its guests, the museum conducts master classes on making all kinds of "sea curiosities" and painting sea pebbles.
Visitors to the Sea Curiosities Museum should understand that the sea is a unique designer, a great artist and a living creative creature that gives us health, inspiration for good deeds and creativity.
| All reviews 5 Dmitry 2012-10-07 10:13:10 PM
Museum of Marine Curiosities The coastal village of Shtormovoye is not full of sights - a vacation at sea with a family at low prices - that's why people come here. The Museum of Marine Curiosities was opened in 2006 as a small excursion with stories about the inhabitants of the Black Sea, about environmental problems. The exhibits of the museum were …