Parking in Israel

Parking in Israel
Parking in Israel
photo: Parking in Israel
photo: Parking in Israel
  • Features of parking in Israel
  • Parking in Israeli cities
  • Car rental in Israel

Finding out more information about parking in Israel is important for every tourist who is going to explore this country on vacation in a rented car. Autotourists should not lose sight of one point: gasoline in Israel is quite expensive (1.65 $ / l), and it is paid for at the gas station by “driving” the license plate of their car into the machine.

Features of parking in Israel

Drivers looking for parking should pay attention to the markings on the roads and sidewalks. The red curb informs motorists that parking is prohibited in this area. If you see intermittent blue markings on the road, then the car can be safely parked.

Blue and white markings indicate that the car can be parked in the parking lot, having previously received a permit issued through a special machine. True, such a machine is not always nearby, and in this case, you can get a parking ticket when you visit the nearest kiosk (an alternative is a mobile payment system).

It is worth considering that in Tel Aviv, blue and white markings mean that only residents of this city have the right to park in this area. As for the areas with yellow borders, parking in those places is intended for public transport, but anyone can park in the gray areas.

Advice: if you plan to drive on toll road number 6 (approximate cost - 5, 3-9, 08 $; the price depends on the number of segments along which the car was moving), it makes sense for you to register your credit card number in a special system. Cameras record a car moving on a toll road, after which the toll is debited from the motorist.

It will be possible to pay for the parking space using Easy Park (an electronic parking card painted in yellow is sold in post offices). You can replenish it at gas stations or at the post office.

Parking in Israeli cities

It is not easy to park in busy places and in the center of Jerusalem, so those who are looking for an opportunity to leave their car in the center should do it near Independence Park. Autotourists can use the services of Mamilla Parking (the first hour of parking is free, the next one is paid at the rate of $ 3.28, and for the whole day they will be asked to pay $ 10.93; you can enter the parking lot located near the Jaffa Gate from 07:30 to midnight, and leave before 2 a.m.), Giv'ati Parking (the parking location is next to the Garbage Gate), Safra Parking (for the parking located on Shivtei Israel Street and operating from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m., autotourists will pay 3, $ 28 / hour, discounts are available from 4 pm, and parking is free on Saturday night), Karta Parking (it is located behind the Jaffa Gate and works from 7 am to 1 am; current rates: $ 3, 28 / hour and $ 13, 66 /all day). Those who decide to leave the car on Mount Zion will pay for parking $ 5.47 / day (illegal parking in this place is punishable by a $ 136 fine). As for free parking, they can be found opposite the Jerusalem Theater, in the Mea Shearim quarter, as well as at tram stops on Gal, Shragai and Erzl streets (such parking is aimed at car owners who are going to use tram services).

Haifa has a small number of free parking lots, and most often they occupy the outskirts of the city. For paid services, you will have to pay about $ 1-6. So, those traveling with a rented car can use the parking services located near the Dan Carmel Haifa hotel (free parking), next to the Audiorium (the first hour of parking costs $ 4, 92, and the next 15 minutes - $ 1, 37) and others.

Interested in free parking in Tel Aviv? Such parking lots are Ben Yosef (designed for parking more than 50 cars), Rav Kuk (has 42 parking spaces), Akhimeir (80 cars can be parked there), Yaad Avner (equipped with 40 parking spaces), Lavon (100 parking spaces are provided for motorists)), Bagel (equipped with 200 parking spaces), Shalei Tsakhal (180 parking spaces are provided), Beit Tsuri (this parking lot has 50 parking spaces), Blumfeld (equipped with 350 parking spaces) and others.

If we talk about Akko parking lots, then those that are located around the Old City are paid ($ 4, 37-5, 47). You can leave your car for free near the Municipality.

The easiest way to park a car in Netanya is largely due to the city's modern and wider streets. Some parking difficulties will arise for those close to the main attractions and those exploring the old neighborhoods with narrow streets. Free parking lots in Netanya can be found near shopping centers.

Car rental in Israel

To rent a car in Israel, a foreigner (they do not charge 16% VAT) with a driving experience of at least 2 years must be at least 21/24 years and no more than 75 years. You should not come to a car rental company without a passport, driver's license with data in English and a credit card, on which its employees will block not only the rental cost (at least $ 41-55), but also a security deposit.

Useful information:

  • permissible speed on high-speed road sections - 100 km / h, within the city - 50 km / h, and outside - 90 km / h;
  • on roads (right-hand traffic) the following distance should be observed: the recommended distance between cars is 2-3 m;
  • for garbage (this also applies to cigarette gobies), thrown out of the passenger compartment of a moving car, a large fine is provided.
