Parking in Italy

Parking in Italy
Parking in Italy
photo: Parking in Italy
photo: Parking in Italy
  • Features of parking in Italy
  • Parking in Italian cities
  • Car rental in Italy

Italy has a developed road system, and the quality of highways is not satisfactory, in connection with which almost all Italian highways are toll (free highway - section of the A3 road - it connects Naples and Reggio Calabria). Do you plan to explore the country on a rented car? You should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of parking in Italy.

Features of parking in Italy

Those wishing to park for free in Italy need to look for places marked with white lines (looking at the sign, the driver will understand whether he needs to use the parking disc, which is a cardboard device with a dial; the arrival time is set manually), and for disabled drivers - yellow.

In large cities such as Florence, only citizens living in Italy are allowed to park for free. If parking spaces are marked with blue lines, it means that you will have to pay for parking (next to the “blue zone” there is always a parking meter or a kiosk where they sell coupons, having bought it, you need to place it on the dashboard so that the information reflected on it can be viewed through the windshield).

Italy has underground parking lots: when driving in there, the driver receives a document with a fixed time (it is issued by a special device or technical staff), and upon leaving, he pays for a parking space (there is an automatic machine at the barrier where you need to insert a card issued at the entrance).

Parking in Italian cities

In Florence, there are expensive parking lots (20-30 euros / day), in connection with which it will be interesting for autotourists to know that you can leave your car for free only in the parking lot on Piazzale Michelangelo. It should be noted that only guests of Florentine hotels have the right to park in the center. Without a special permit, you can park in the underground car park next to Santa Maria Novella train station. In terms of prices, parking at Garage Gioberti costs 25 euros / day, at Garage Verdi 24 euros / day, at Garage Lungarno 30 euros / day, and at the airport 8 euros / day.

Those traveling in Verona by car should know that you can park your car for free near Porta Palio square, on Sergio Ramelli street and at the Arena di Verona stadium.

If you are going to admire the Leaning Tower in Pisa, it makes sense to park your rented car in an inexpensive car park (cost is less than 1 euro / hour, and after 14:00 parking spaces are free) on Via Atleti Azzurri Pisani (the tower and the parking are separated by a 15-minute walk).

One of the free parking lots in Siena is located at the railway station. Leaving the car in paid parking lots for autotourists will cost 1.60 euros / hour. You can find parking even cheaper (0, 50 euros / hour), but for each subsequent hour, autotourists will be charged 2 euros.

If we talk about free parking lots in Rome (they are not guarded and have time limits), then their places of accommodation are far from iconic landmarks. Well, parking meters (2 euros / hour) can be found near the center of Rome.

Those who decide to enjoy the Brunello di Montalcino wine produced in Montalcino will be able to park their car for free in the parking lot at the entrance to the city (paid parking, costing 1, 20 euros / hour, located on Via Roma).

In Montepulciano, motorists are provided with free parking at the entrance to this city with a medieval appearance (it is also famous for its tasting rooms; the inscription: Degustazione Libera will indicate the possibility of free wine tasting), and a paid one, which costs 1.30 euros, they will find next to Piazza Grande square.

In Amalfi there is a parking lot Luna Rossa (next to it a pedestrian tunnel has been built, through which it will be possible to reach the Town Hall Square in just 5 minutes), which has 204 parking spaces for cars and 30 spaces for scooters and motorcycles. Parking cost: 3 euros / hour or 13 euros / day.

In Bagnoregio, there are both paid parking (its location is under the bridge; payment is charged from 8 am to 8 pm) and free parking (one of these can be found near Via Don S).

Montefiascone is famous not only for its wine, but also for its parking in Via del Castagno (free parking).

As for the Lido di Jesolo, there is parking (7 euros / day) next to the pier (a boat to Venice travels from there for about half an hour).

Car rental in Italy

To conclude a lease in Italy (in Italian it sounds like noleggio auto), you cannot do without Russian rights, an IDP (holders of only national rights are subject to a fine of 300 euros) and a plastic card, at least Classic level to withhold a security deposit of 500 euros (from this amount fines and costs for car repairs will be deducted, but if everything is in order, the amount will be returned in full after 2-4 weeks).

When drawing up a lease, it makes sense for travelers to pay for the full insurance service (insurance against any dents and scratches; the approximate cost is at least 10 euros / day). Usually the price of a car rental includes: the cost of the mileage (any distance); local VAT; insurance against theft and damage.

It is worth considering that Italy is mainly equipped with roundabouts, and the driver who has already entered the circle has priority.

Important to remember:

  • on the highway you can move at a speed of 110 km / h, in cities - 50 km / h, and outside them - 90 km / h;
  • zona traffic limitato (limited traffic) zones must not be entered without a special permit;
  • incorrect parking is subject to a fine of 30-150 euros.
