- Features of parking in Japan
- Parking in Japanese cities
- Car rental in Japan
Do you want to know how things are with parking in the Land of the Rising Sun? Parking lots in Japan often do not have free parking spaces (for parking in the wrong place, a fine of $ 835 is charged, and in addition, the driver may be revoked for six months). In addition, the roads in the country are congested, the cost of fines (it is advisable to pay them within a week after receiving a receipt from a police officer) and gasoline are quite high ($ 1, 3-1, 5/1 liter), and travel on highways will cost a pretty penny.”(For moving on the Tokyo-Kyoto highway, you will have to pay $ 75).
Features of parking in Japan
Japanese parking lots are divided into two types. Private parking lots are often multi-level, which are often towers without windows, but with gates, where the car is “driven” and taken by an elevator to the “top shelf”. It is worth considering that an SUV and a minibus will not be allowed into the elevator, since these are too large vehicles for Japan (they can only be left in areas with markings).
In municipal parking lots (they are either markings on the roadway, or a separate area outside the carriageway), cars can most often be left for free, but the car owner will still have to pay an administrative fee. For this, a special machine is provided that issues a ticket, which must be attached to the windshield (the parking time is usually limited to 40-60 minutes; if you leave the car for a period longer than this, you will pay a fine). As for parking lots in the form of a territory allocated on the asphalt (the wheels of cars that have entered there are blocked by a special design, and in order to leave, you need to dial the number of your place in the parking machine, which will “give you” the amount to be paid; after payment, the car will be released from the “trap”), then there the payment is made for each hour.
Large shopping centers usually have multi-storey parking lots. Upon entry, the driver must take a card, which is inserted into a special machine upon exit and payment for parking services is made. Some stores, subject to the purchase of goods for a certain amount, provide their customers with a bonus in the form of free parking for a period of 1 hour.
A distinctive feature of parking lots near city parks is that parking fees are charged for the whole day ($ 4, 34-17, 30), so those who leave their car in such parking lots can safely rest in the surrounding parks during the day.
Parking in Japanese cities
There are many parking lots in Tokyo: a rented car can be parked at 2 Chome-3-1 Nishishinjuku (48 cars can be accommodated here; current rates: $ 1.91 / 30 minutes from 8 am to 10 pm, $ 0.87 / 60 minutes from 22: 00 to 8 a.m., $ 17.40 / whole day), 6 Chome-6-2 Nishishinjuku (this underground parking has over 240 parking spaces; for a 30-minute parking, you will be asked to pay $ 2.20, and for a 24-hour - $ 21, 70), 2 Chome-9-1 Nishishinjuku (this underground parking can accommodate 108 cars; for the first half hour, a fee of $ 1.3 is charged, and for the next 30 minutes - $ 2, 17), 3 Chome- 2-27 Nishishinjuku (there are 63 parking spaces; parking services, open on weekdays from 8 am to 11:30 pm, cost $ 2.17 / every half hour), 6 Chome-14-1 Nishishinjuku (has 51 parking spaces; payment is due at the rate of $ 2.17 / 30 minutes; opening hours: daily from 7 am to 11 pm).
Of the night parking lots in Tokyo, 4 Chome-29-8 Minamiogikubo Parking stands out (in a 10-seat parking lot, car owners are charged $ 4.45 for parking from 6 pm to 8 am), 3 Chome-14-9 Sengoku (for a parking with 10 spaces, you need to pay $ 0.87 / hour from 10 pm to 08:00) and 3 Chome-14-13 Shimoochiai Parking (you can leave a car in a 7-seat parking lot from midnight to 8 am for $ 0.87 / hour).
Is it important to you that there is a mobile phone charging station in the parking lot? Then take a look at 2 Chome-5-1 Marunouchi. This underground parking is open daily from 6 am to midnight and is equipped with 10 parking spaces. There the payment is made at the rate of 0, 87 $ / every 10 minutes.
If you are interested in parking in Kawasaki, then at your service there are 3 such parking lots:
- 1 Chome-2-9 Nakamagome Parking (equipped with 3 parking spaces): for a 20-minute parking from 8 am to 8 pm, autotourists will pay $ 0.9, as well as for an hour parking from 20:00 to 08:00 (12 -hour stay of a car in the parking lot will cost $ 13);
- 1 Chome-14 Denenchofu Parking (designed for 5 cars): the following rates apply there: $ 1.75 / 30 minutes, $ 0.9 / 1 hour, $ 10.5 / 24 hours;
- 1 Chome-47 Denenchofu Parking (provides drivers with 5 places): 30-minute parking from 8 am to 10 pm will cost $ 1.75, parking for 1 hour from 22:00 to 08:00 - at 0, 9 $, and 24-hour parking - at $ 8, 70.
Car rental in Japan
To conclude a car rental agreement, a traveler needs to have a driver's license with him (Russian license, as well as an IDL, must be reissued for Japanese or passed an exam for obtaining a license on the spot) and become the owner of local JCI insurance (the cheapest car will cost at least $ 70 / day). In addition, you will have to pay a security deposit in the amount of the rent.
Important information:
- traffic in Japan is left-hand;
- you can move around the city at a maximum speed of 40 km / h (you need to reduce the speed to 30 km / h for the one who will take a row from the sidewalk), and on the high-speed highway it is allowed to reach speeds of up to 80 km / h;
- the return of the rented car before the agreed period is "punished" by a large fine.