Since this special region of the People's Republic of China is one of the leading financial centers in the world, all other sectors of the economy, including transport, are at a high level of development. Taxis in Hong Kong can be found almost everywhere, with the exception of remote regions.
Specialists have developed certain recommendations for potential passengers of Hong Kong taxis, their main goal is to ensure human safety.
Recommendations for passengers
One of the main questions of interest to visitors to Hong Kong is where you can "catch" a car. There are several ways, including:
- finding the nearest parking lot (the fastest and most convenient way);
- near the place of residence of the tourist (hotel, hotel);
- on the road (but there are areas where stopping is prohibited).
Most of the cars serving passengers and guests of the region are new and equipped with mileage meters. Therefore, there is no problem with determining the amount of the trip, it is highlighted, in addition, the taxi driver is obliged to print a receipt. If this is not possible for some reason, you need to ask the driver to write a check by hand, which is also his responsibility.
On the dashboard of any taxi car there is a driver card on which his name and license number are written. In case of disputable situations, it is necessary to write down these data and call the hotline, where complaints and claims of passengers are accepted.
A complete list of recommendations can be found on the website of the Hong Kong Department of Transport, here are also the phone numbers of specialists who help to solve problems related to movement, including by taxi. Questions can be asked by phone: + 852 2804 2600, file a complaint via the hotline by dialing +852 2889 9999.
Another telephone (+852 1872 920) is intended for passengers who have forgotten their belongings. It is here that all information about lost luggage and personal belongings flows.
Multicolored taxi
Generally, in Hong Kong, you can see taxis of three colors, which operate within the same region. The exception is the local Disneyland and the international airport, these two holy places for tourists can be reached using any taxi, regardless of its color.
Red cars, which can be called by calling 2398 1881, 2332 2477, 2574 7311, operate practically throughout the territory, they have their own tariff system. The first few kilometers cost is 22.00 NK $, then every 200 meters or minutes of waiting (1.60 NK $) are included in the payment. Green taxis (telephones - 2383 0168, 2677 8888) serve Novye Zemlya, the cost of the trip is lower, for the first part of the journey 18.50 NK $ (1.40 NK $, respectively). Blue taxis can be found on Lantau Island, the price per trip is NK $ 17.00 (NK $ 1.40), to call please dial 2984 1328.