You have visited many countries and mark the "conquered" territories on the map … Traveling for you is a source of new energy, self-development, knowledge and emotions … But at the same time, you have not yet had time to fully know the originality and charm of your country, visit many of its ancient cities, to see special places … But this is your home, and it would be great to get to know it better! Russia is definitely worthy of this!
Here are just 10 reasons to travel domestically this summer:
- All the amazing cities of our huge state are open before you! It remains to choose the direction and format of the rest.
- There is no need to spend time and money on the processing of visa documents.
- All purchases are in rubles! You won't have to worry about currency instability on vacation.
- No matter how long the journey lasts, you stay at home and feel confident.
- There will be no language barrier! When everyone speaks their native language, and it is easier to rest.
- There is a large selection of vehicles in front of you to get to the desired location. Afraid to fly? There are trains, cars and buses at your service. Do not want to waste time on long journeys and immediately plunge into relaxation? Then a cruise departing from almost any major city on the river will be the perfect solution for you! Getting to know the country from the water is a special pleasure.
- If you do not want to organize your trip yourself, there are professionals involved in domestic tourism at your service, ready to take on all the holiday cares. The main thing is to choose a reliable tour operator or cruise company.
- You will be surprised by the originality and brightness of each region! National flavor, unique traditions and cuisine, rich history, unique architecture, hospitality of local residents … You will be amazed at how many-sided our country is!
- A large "line" of options - according to the level of recreation and its cost. From budget outings to riverside campsites, to a club hotel with golf courses, or a luxury cruise in a cabin with a balcony. It all depends on your budget, habits and desires …
- And, finally, getting ready for a trip around Russia with a company is much easier than going abroad! This is a great excuse to finally spend time with your loved ones!