Komsomolsk park description and photo - Russia - Caucasus: Pyatigorsk

Komsomolsk park description and photo - Russia - Caucasus: Pyatigorsk
Komsomolsk park description and photo - Russia - Caucasus: Pyatigorsk
Komsomolsky park
Komsomolsky park

Description of the attraction

Komsomolsky Park in Pyatigorsk is located in the administrative district of the city "Belaya Romashka". The idea of creating a park in this area appeared in 1966, when a large plot of land was allocated for the construction of the park in the vacant lot behind the tram line. The creation of a park zone in this area of the city was simply necessary, since there were no green spaces near the new buildings, where adults and children could have a rest.

In 1968, young trees were planted by the residents of "White Camomile" and students on the southern side of the allocated area. In the same year, on October 25, the opening of the monument to the First Komsomol members of Pyatigorsk took place here, the author of which was the famous sculptor KavMinVod Minkin G. M.

The new city park was named "Komsomolsky". The territory of the park was gradually planted with shrubs and trees. This was done by the city organization "Gorzelenstroy", the main task of which was landscaping and improvement of the city. In 1974, a cinema was built in the western part of the city park.

In the mid 80s. In the park, another monument was opened, but already "green" - this is the Alley of Glory, which stretches across the entire Komsomolsky Park and was planted with blue spruces. In the spring of 1985, the Glory Memorial Complex was opened in the center of the alley. The author of the project is the artist V. V. Markov.

In the 80s. in the northern part of the park, a playground with attractions was opened, which, unfortunately, were closed in the early 90s. In 1999, a new monument was erected in the Komsomolsky Park, which was dedicated to the heroes-liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

Due to the lack of proper care in the 90s. the park was gradually abandoned. In 2004, the idea of reconstructing the park appeared: it was planned to build up shops, cafes and barbecue, which could completely destroy the green zone. The residents of Pyatigorsk are still in favor of preserving the park in its original form.

