Description of the attraction
The Galtyura rock garden is a unique structure. It simultaneously functions both as a cultural and exhibition center and as a sports complex for climbers. Moreover, this powerful building itself also serves as a kind of barrier or wall that encloses the settlement from the side of the mountains - the city authorities were forced to resort to such measures after the tragic event - an avalanche in 1999.
First of all, it is worth noting the rock garden itself, dedicated to the city of Galtyur, its history and people who have been here. The exhibition halls are decorated in a rather unusual way - some rooms are a real labyrinth, some are placed in tiny rooms, and in one hall the exposition itself seems to hang in the air. Each room is decorated with mirrors that create strange, sometimes even frightening, lighting in the room.
The museum itself contains a variety of photographs and documents, but its most interesting detail is that each exhibition is dedicated to a separate story associated with Galtür, or tells about a person who left a mark on the life of this small Alpine town. Also, great importance is given to the Alpine mountains themselves surrounding the city - their origin, geological structure, flora, fauna and much more are explained. It is also planned to equip a separate interactive hall with a screen, where a documentary film about the 1999 avalanche will be shown. By the way, in memory of this tragic event, a special memorial has been erected in the museum, which also serves as a kind of chapel.
Among other details of the museum's decoration, it is worth noting the alabaster facade and the column in the lobby, made of stones quarried from the nearby mountains. In general, the interior of the rock garden is designed in this "mountain" style, and the memory of the tragic avalanche of 1999 is expressed in every corner of this building.
The museum hosts guided tours, various seminars and temporary exhibitions - vernissages, admission to which is free.