Many Russian cities were born due to the need to create strongholds on the state borders. For example, the history of Tambov begins in April 1636 in exactly this way - with the creation of a fortress to protect the borders from Tatar raids. The Tambov fortress consisted of the Kremlin and the fortress, that is, defensive structures.
Period of expansion and prosperity
Very soon the population of the fortress began to increase, peasants rushed here, who fled from the landowners in search of freedom and fertile lands. Here they found both, it is true, and the landowners also appeared here. Already in 1670, disgruntled peasants raised an uprising, several times besieged the fortress of Tambov.
Soon, an important mission was entrusted to the inhabitants of this settlement. During the first Azov campaign, the army of Peter I was defeated, a strong fleet was needed. In the vicinity of Tambov there were luxurious forests, valuable timber was used for the construction of ships. Soon the fortress loses its importance as a stronghold, the city is developing in a peaceful way.
Center of the province
The reform carried out by Catherine II to change the boundaries of the Russian administrative-territorial formations led to the emergence of the Tambov governorship, respectively, the city assumed the responsibilities of the center. By the way, the territory of the governorship was much larger than the modern area.
Tambov began to develop rapidly, stone buildings appeared, and it went according to plan. Public buildings, residential buildings, churches, educational institutions were erected. In 1796 the governorship became the Tambov province.
An era of significant change
The Tambov province was among the Russian leaders in grain production; it was here that the famous grain fairs were held. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the city was filled with refugees from the territories captured by the French, but Napoleon's army itself did not reach here. By the end of the 19th century, it was a fairly large city with a variety of public and social institutions, schools and boarding schools, hospitals and monasteries.
The twentieth century brought its joys and disappointments, this is a time of revolutionary events, strong personalities, confrontation between different worlds. So, part of the inhabitants took an active part in the first and second revolutions, took Soviet power. The other did not want to submit to the power of the proletariat; the history of Tambov remembers one of the largest White Guard uprisings.
The 1930s, on the one hand, were characterized by a strong central government and the unfolding of the apparatus of repression. On the other hand, a theater, a philharmonic society, a pedagogical institute appeared in the city. The history of Tambov cannot be told briefly, especially after the war, when the city began the countdown of a new peaceful life aimed at the future.