Walking around the city, armed with a guidebook, travelers will come across interesting places in Tambov in the form of the Tsna River Embankment, Aseev's house, the bridge of lovers, monuments to the Tambov wolf and other objects.
Unusual sights of Tambov
Monument to the Tambov peasant: it is made in the form of a 3-meter barefoot farmer with a cross around his neck, standing on a piece of his land and propping up a machine-gun belt with a plow. As conceived by the authors, this sculpture is a symbol of the mendicant Tambov peasantry of the early 20th century. “The Tambov Man” became so popular that in 2011 the Russian Post issued a series of postage envelopes and stamps with the image of this monument.
Fan-shaped floating projection fountain: the highlight of the fountain, which forms a curtain resembling a fan of drops and splashes of water, lies in the laser video projection of both static images and video clips onto it.
What interesting places to visit in Tambov?

Having studied the reviews of experienced travelers, the guests of Tambov will understand that it will be interesting for them to look at the exposition exhibited in the local history museum (out of more than 112,000 storage units, Russian printed engravings, Chinese and Dutch decorative vases of the 18th-19th centuries, a collection of rocks, a paleontological collection of invertebrates deserve attention.) and the Lodygin room-museum (here, in the recreated room of the inventor of the incandescent light bulb, you can see lighting devices, prototypes, Lodygin's personal belongings, and also learn about famous electrical engineers).
For those who want to admire the beautiful views of Tambov from a height, it makes sense to visit, and it is better to stay in the hotel of the "Gallery" complex, where there are exits to the observation platforms. In addition, here everyone will be offered to look into the 5 D-cinema (presence effect) and the digital planetarium (constellations, galaxies, planets there are projected onto a 5-meter dome; guests of the planetarium are shown educational and entertaining films, for example, “Two glasses. Amazing telescope.”).
The Park of Culture and Leisure (the map of the park is shown on the website www.park-tambov.ru) is a place where the whole family should go for the sake of a car town (in the “Strana SDA” little guests are expected on Sundays throughout the summer), plaster sculptures, all kinds of events (Festival of Colors, Day of Soap Bubbles, Parade of Strollers, Festival of Flowers) and attractions "Orbit", "Excavator", "Kangaroo", "Viking Boat", "Ferris Wheel", "Caterpillar" …
Another place you should visit in Tambov is the zoo (a map of the zoo's territory and a route map can be found on the website www.tambov-zoo.ru): here you can see and photograph predatory mammals, calluses, ungulates, as well as inhabitants of the monkey house, exotarium and bird sections.