Undoubtedly, many ancient Russian cities and settlements had to face the Tatar-Mongol invasion. The history of Lipetsk is not unique in this respect, the Slavic settlement arose much earlier than guests from the East came here. But it is thanks to the battles with the Tatars that it is mentioned in the chronicles of 1283-1284.
Foundation and development of the city
Many scientists are inclined to doubt that the settlement mentioned in the annals can be associated with modern Lipetsk. In their opinion, the fact of the founding of the city on the site of a village with an interesting name - Malye Studenki Lipskie (the first half of the 17th century is called in the annals) looks more real.
In the history of Lipetsk, the most significant year is 1703, when, at the behest of Peter I, ironworks were laid at the junction of the Lipovka and Voronezh rivers. Today this date is considered the year of the foundation of the city.
Since Russia at that time was in a state of permanent war, there was a need for the production of weapons. The village grows and turns into a settlement called Lipskie Zavody. Thanks to Catherine II, in 1779 the settlement acquired the status of a district town. At the same time the name was changed, the city became Lipetsk.
General plan
At the beginning of the 19th century, the city was made of wood, therefore, when a great fire broke out in 1806, a large number of buildings and structures burned down in the fire. On the one hand, a huge disaster for the townspeople, on the other, it pushed the authorities to the need to develop a master plan and build stone houses.
By the end of the century Lipetsk was a pleasant city for living with a developed infrastructure, beautiful planning, religious buildings, administrative and residential buildings. The return to the use of ore deposits contributed to a new economic recovery.
Soviet authority
About further events after 1917, the history of Lipetsk should be considered in the context of the whole country. Ferrous metallurgy reaches a new level in connection with the opening of a new plant, from that moment on, heavy industry, and not agriculture, becomes the main industry.
During the war, Lipetsk, as a rear city, receives evacuated factories, builds and opens new enterprises, for example, a tractor plant. The end of the war opened new pages of history and new opportunities, the city became a regional center.
Today Lipetsk is one of the largest producers of rolled products and steel; production facilities of many European brands for the production of household appliances and food are open here.