Description of the attraction
Kernavė is a unique area, the existence of which introduces us to a wonderful disappeared civilization and culture. Only here it is possible to trace the important stages in the development of mankind. In Kernavė, the first capital of Lithuania, there is a complex of five Baltic fortifications. The famous State Reserve is located on the right bank of the Neris River, thirty-five kilometers from Vilnius.
In this place, you can trace the entire history of the formation and development of the Baltic peoples, learn the history of the formation of the Lithuanian state. Traces of unique ancient cultures have been found in the Reserve, from the 10th century BC to the Middle Ages. Already in the first centuries of our era, large settlements were formed in the Payauta valley. In order to protect them from outside enemies, fortifications were built. Fortified settlements, as the only type of protohistoric settlement, existed in Lithuania from the Bronze Age to the end of the 14th century. There are about a thousand ancient settlements in the country, but just such a complex of five nearby settlements does not exist anywhere else in the Baltic Sea region. The castle mounds are the most valuable and most significant element of the Kernavė nature reserve. This is a living testimony to the natural and historical processes of the development of mankind, its centuries-old activity.
The mention of Kernavė in writing is found for the first time in the chronicle of G. Wartberg and in the Livonian rhymed chronicle of 1279. It is reliably known that in the 13th century it was a city with a feudal system. At that time, the city had a large princely castle and five fortresses installed on high fortifications. They all united into a single defense zone. Fortified settlements were formed on natural landscape elevations, naturally, they were completed by people. Now the majestic hill-forts, overgrown with lush grass of the hills, have survived from the feudal city. The grass here is of a special color, bright green. One gets the impression that such grass can only be here.
In 1390 the crusaders attacked the village and burned it to the ground. For a long time this place was deserted, so over time, the remains of the old city were hidden under a thick layer of alluvial soil. These natural bedspreads have preserved all organic matter. Thus, traces of the life of the townspeople were preserved incorrupt and today they are discovered by archaeologists during excavations. For over 30 years, archaeologists have been drawing invaluable information from these cultural layers. All archaeological finds are collected in the Kernavi History and Archeology Museum in numerous unique collections. Since 2005, tourists can have a meaningful time by participating in archaeological excavations.
In addition to archaeologists, there is a constant stream of historians, researchers of cultural heritage, and just tourists.
In addition to the hills of fortified settlements, the attention of tourists is also attracted by the remains of wooden buildings, an ancient church, and the remaining foundations of former city buildings. Here you can admire the nailless wooden octagonal chapel or old watermills. A park of wooden sculptures is open in the area. Unusual and unusual things can be found here at every step, starting from the entrance to the ancient city. At the very gate is a statue of a wolf knight in armor.
Many tourists try to come here precisely at the beginning of July, by the Day of the State. At this time, “Days of Living Archeology” are celebrated in Kernavė, grandiose performances are organized, during which ancient crafts are demonstrated, ancient music concerts are organized. During the holiday, spectators can take part in a variety of medieval activities, such as javelin throwing, horseback riding in knightly ammunition, and archery. Military clubs come from different countries to demonstrate their martial arts here.
Another large-scale and crowded holiday celebrated in the Payauta Valley is Jonines or Ivan Kupala's Day. On this day, events related to ancient customs and rituals are organized. Another spectacular celebration organized annually at the end of August is the Baltic States' neo-folklore festival.
Kernavė is included in the list of world heritage masterpieces by UNESCO.