Children's town "Skazka" description and photo - Ukraine: Nikolaev

Children's town "Skazka" description and photo - Ukraine: Nikolaev
Children's town "Skazka" description and photo - Ukraine: Nikolaev
Children's town "Fairy Tale"
Children's town "Fairy Tale"

Description of the attraction

Children's town "Fairy Tale" is a playful entertainment complex, which is located in the center of the city of Nikolaev on the Dekabristov street, 38-a. The total area of the park is 3.5 hectares. In the children's town "Skazka" all kinds of children's parties and competitions are held, in addition, it is a museum of all types of decorative and artistic arts.

Until 1982, a market was located on the site of the present town. In 1982, it was decided to move the market, and in its place to make a park for children, the grand opening of which took place in May 1982. The author of the project is the architect V. Popov.

At the very beginning, a pavilion was opened where concerts were held, on the roof of which the Golden Cockerel was seated. After a while, a beautiful wooden fortress was built in the "Fairy Tale", reminding everyone of Russian folk tales, and a stone castle from the Middle Ages.

In the center of the children's town one can see the ship "Happiness" with scarlet sails, which used to be called "Buyan". Despite the fact that this ship is made of iron, it is an exact copy of the first ship built at the Nikolaev shipyard by order of Prince G. Potemkin. Near the ship "Happiness" there are two real lighthouses that illuminate the town at night. Not far from the lighthouses, there are fabulous carousels, on which you can see characters from A. Pushkin's fairy tales: a learned cat and a mermaid.

Another interesting detail of the children's park is the sundial, which always shows the exact time. Near the clock there is a cascading pool with wonderful flower beds and benches. The town also includes a cascade fountain, a "cuckoo" steam locomotive, an autodrome, a slot machine room, swimming pools, sandboxes, many carousels and attractions.

In addition, an amphitheater has been opened in Skazka, which hosts various concerts and festivals. A large number of trees and exotic plants grow throughout the territory of the children's park, as well as many flowering flower beds.

Description added:

Anastasia 2015-14-05

Also in the fairy tale there is a planitarium, where by age category they include this or that viewing program.

