Republic Square (Place de la Republique) description and photos - France: Paris

Republic Square (Place de la Republique) description and photos - France: Paris
Republic Square (Place de la Republique) description and photos - France: Paris
Republic Square
Republic Square

Description of the attraction

Republic Square in its current form appeared relatively recently, in 1854. There are almost no bloody excesses in its history, typical of other Parisian squares. But the place where it is located is associated with one of the darkest and most mysterious pages of the Middle Ages.

In 1222, the treasurer of the Knights Templar Hubert founded the impregnable Temple Castle near the future square - the central tower is 12-storey high, the walls are eight meters thick. After the defeat in Palestine, the Templars moved here most of their treasures. In this part of the city, the power of the order was undeniable. But in the early morning of October 13, 1307, royal officials opened sealed packages with orders to arrest the Templar Knights throughout France. It was in Temple that then the Grand Master of the Order, Jacques de Molay, was imprisoned, and in 1314 he was burned on the Isle of Cité. From that moment, members of the royal family lived in the castle - the king took all the property of the order for himself.

Since the XIV century, a city wall built by Charles V. passed near the Temple. In 1670, Louis XIV demolished it: Paris changed its appearance, the fortified city became an open capital. The king did not manage to destroy the Templar castle itself and it was in it that he subsequently languished before his execution.

In 1808, Napoleon demolished the castle-prison. A small quiet square, which used to be in front of the Temple, was decorated by the emperor with a fountain in 1811; it was named the Place du Chateau d'Eau. The only time in its history this intersection was stained with blood in 1835: a certain Joseph Fieschi tried to kill King Louis Philippe here, using a hellish machine of 24 guns. The king received a scratch, 12 people died. But the assassination attempt does not detract from the other glory of the square: a lot of theaters were located here in the first half of the 19th century. It was here that the image of the sad Pierrot was born.

Changes came in 1854: the reformer of Paris Baron Haussmann, laying wide straight highways, dramatically expanded the area. Theaters were demolished. Barracks appeared, the square turned into a huge rectangular military parade ground. In 1879, it changed its name in memory of the Third Republic, which laid the foundations of modern society. On the square, a 10-meter statue of the Republic was erected by the brothers Leopold and Charles Maurice - in a laurel wreath, with an olive branch in hand. Three female figures around represent Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood. A bronze lion stands in front of the pedestal.

Today Place de la République is the main venue for demonstrations by Parisians in defense of human rights and social justice.

