Trips 2024, October

5 Russian cities under water

5 Russian cities under water

For some reason, it is believed that in search of adventure, you must definitely go somewhere in Asia or the Caribbean, where you can scuba dive, looking out for flooded cities in the clear ocean waters. But we have for you 5 Russian cities under water, no less interesting and mysterious than their foreign counterparts.

Countries with the most deadly tornadoes

Countries with the most deadly tornadoes

A tornado is a destructive natural phenomenon. Countries where deadly tornadoes are most often formed are quite popular with tourists. Therefore, before you go there, you need to think about where to run and what to do if a tornado ruins your vacation.

7 most unusual landscapes in the world

7 most unusual landscapes in the world

Our planet Earth is not only forests, fields and rivers. Some of its corners will make you doubt whether we have been transported to another planet. We present to you 7 of the most unusual landscapes in the world. Socotra Island The small Socotra archipelago belongs to Yemen and is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

Top 6 unusual airports in the world

Top 6 unusual airports in the world

Many travelers prefer to travel around the planet by plane, which means that the first thing they see in a new country is the airport. We bring to your attention the top 6 unusual airports in the world, which are themselves a striking attraction worth visiting.

Unique and unusual places in Altai

Unique and unusual places in Altai

The unique Altai Territory has always and rightfully been considered the pearl of Siberia. Here is the mildest climate in Siberia. And the number of sunny days is comparable to the best Crimean and Caucasian resorts. Altai has all the natural zones of the country:

Interesting exhibits of the Darwin Museum in Moscow

Interesting exhibits of the Darwin Museum in Moscow

Ancient monsters, an Altai princess, ancient mysterious books … An adventure movie announcement? Not at all. These are exhibits of the Darwin Museum in Moscow. If you haven’t been there yet, be sure to visit this amazing place. And we will tell you about some of its most interesting exhibits.

5 most ancient fortresses in Turkey

5 most ancient fortresses in Turkey

Everyone likes Turkey: the warm sea and comfortable hotels suit beach lovers, interesting sights delight fans of excursions. In the country on the border of the West and the East, in addition to green canyons and picturesque lakes, mosques with slender minarets and Byzantine churches, sultan's palaces and ancient ruins, one can also single out the 5 most ancient fortresses of Turkey.

Top 6 deepest lakes in the world

Top 6 deepest lakes in the world

Lakes are not only a decoration of the planet, but also a habitat for unique animals. Thanks to the exploration of lakes, mankind learns about the history of the Earth and the ancient creatures that lived on its surface. The deepest lakes carry the most knowledge, at the bottom of which many secrets are hidden.

Prohibited Products - What You Won't Buy Abroad

Prohibited Products - What You Won't Buy Abroad

You come on vacation to some country, come to a store and you certainly do not expect that some of the products you are used to may not be on the shelves simply because someone in the government thought that they were unhealthy or the manufacturing company simply removed "

5 places dangerous for single tourists

5 places dangerous for single tourists

Glossy magazines, travel sites, instagram of friends and acquaintances praise every corner of the Earth so that you want to go there immediately. If you are traveling without a boyfriend and friends, then the main thing is to avoid 5 places that are dangerous for single tourists.

The most ancient countries in the world that exist today

The most ancient countries in the world that exist today

Which country is the oldest in the world? How do states with a history spanning four, five or more millennia change over time? What ancient countries have survived to this day? We will tell you about some of the most ancient states of the planet.

Top 7 gold mines and mines in the world

Top 7 gold mines and mines in the world

Man, having mastered gold mining, began to look for and develop gold mining places. Today, gold mining has acquired an industrial scale and entered the state level. Goldfields and mines are scattered throughout the world, some of which are particularly popular.

4 abnormal places on the planet

4 abnormal places on the planet

Do you think that physical laws operate in the same way anywhere on Earth? However, 4 anomalous places on the planet simply by their very existence refute this statement. People disappear here, time stops here, tourists are not recommended to go here, because you can get stuck on these strange sites forever.

Where the legendary cruiser "Varyag" actually sank

Where the legendary cruiser "Varyag" actually sank

Absolutely everyone heard about the cruiser "Varyag" - someone only in a song that tells how this cruiser "does not surrender to the enemy", someone from the school curriculum. But both those and others are unlikely to be able to name exactly where the famous "

Small towns of Tatarstan, worthy of the attention of tourists

Small towns of Tatarstan, worthy of the attention of tourists

Tatarstan is a place where you want to come again and again. Moreover, at any time of the year. In addition to famous brands - the third capital of the country Kazan, the auto city Naberezhnye Chelny, the oil capital Almetyevsk - Tatarstan is also a tourist region.

What Russians and residents of other countries take with them on vacation: survey results

What Russians and residents of other countries take with them on vacation: survey results

A survey of a domestic resource showed that almost 30% of tourists from Russia take medicines with them. Quite a lot of travelers put a camera (18%) and a laptop (15%) in their bags - perhaps even on vacation Russians have to work. Many fellow citizens (13%) like to read on the road, so they do not travel without books and magazines.

Why do Russians like to relax in Abkhazia

Why do Russians like to relax in Abkhazia

During the Soviet era, Abkhazian resorts were considered the best in the country. The tourist potential of Abkhazia is still great. But today there is not the highest service, the obvious consequences of the war in the form of destroyed buildings, a small selection of entertainment, annoying little things in the form of a lack of terminals and ATMs.

8 things you shouldn't do in Antalya

8 things you shouldn't do in Antalya

Antalya is the most popular resort on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Here, all year round, even in winter, life is in full swing, and numerous tourists sometimes get trapped, because they do not know 8 things that it is better not to do in Antalya.

The most interesting exhibits of the Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg

The most interesting exhibits of the Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg

The Kunstkamera is one of the most amazing museums in St. Petersburg, founded by Peter I. From the German, the name “Kunstkamera” is translated as “room of arts”. The museum contains amazing exhibits, many of which were made by famous masters and brought by Peter I himself during his travels.

Fox Village and Cat Island

Fox Village and Cat Island

On the main island of Japan, Honshu, in the Tohoku region, there are a couple of attractions that will interest wildlife lovers - the fox village and the island of cats. To find these interesting places, you need to go to Miyagi Prefecture, which is located on the Pacific coast north of the infamous Fukushima.

Top 5 unusual cities in the world

Top 5 unusual cities in the world

It is difficult to surprise experienced tourists with something: they have already seen strange megaliths, and ancient ruins, and dangerous bridges, and grandiose singing fountains, and bizarre houses. However, our top 5 unusual cities in the world can impress even those travelers who have seen almost everything.

7 unusual facts about Baikal

7 unusual facts about Baikal

Baikal is known all over the world as the deepest lake on earth and the largest freshwater body of water. However, Baikal can boast not only titles, but also its incomparable beauty. In the legends and tales of local residents, this lake, shrouded in secrets, is often mentioned.

The oldest libraries in existence

The oldest libraries in existence

Libraries embody the experience and knowledge of generations. Almost all the works of mankind in the past and present are kept in libraries. Many libraries have collapsed and faded, but there are those that have existed for centuries and are the concentration of the greatest knowledge.

Mystical places and legends of BAM

Mystical places and legends of BAM

The Baikal-Amur Railway is known as: one of the largest in the world, the most expensive infrastructure project in the USSR, the All-Union Shock Komsomol Construction Project. They composed songs about her, made films, wrote poems and novels.

Where can you see a real submarine in Moscow

Where can you see a real submarine in Moscow

In the opinion of many, submarines are objects surrounded by strict secrecy. They can be seen in more detail only in the form of scenery, in feature films. But is it? You will be very surprised, but a real submarine can be seen … in Moscow. And this is not at all difficult to do.

Top 13 most beautiful palaces in Venice

Top 13 most beautiful palaces in Venice

What could be better than a leisurely gondola ride along the luxurious Venetian palazzo, as if growing out of the water surface of the Grand Canal? Introducing the 13 most beautiful palaces in Venice. Ca 'd'Oro palace Ca 'd'Oro is considered one of the most famous palaces in Venice.

8 interesting facts about Kilimanjaro

8 interesting facts about Kilimanjaro

In the northeast of hot Tanzania, an amazing mountain rises above the endless expanse of the plateau. Despite the proximity of the equator, it is crowned with a snow cap. The mountain looks so majestic that it will take your breath away. This is Kilimanjaro - one of the highest mountains on our planet.

Unusual places in the Kaliningrad region

Unusual places in the Kaliningrad region

The amazing and the unusual are much closer to you than you think. To find yourself in a strange, mystical place, you do not need to travel to distant lands. Or you can, for example, just go to the Kaliningrad region. Are you surprised? Yes, there is a lot of mystery in this area!

The symbols of autocracy kept in the Diamond Fund of the Moscow Kremlin

The symbols of autocracy kept in the Diamond Fund of the Moscow Kremlin

The Diamond Fund is a museum that contains unique pieces of art, jewelry belonging to representatives of the Russian imperial dynasty, and precious stones. A separate part of the collection is made up of symbols of autocracy, which have been preserved in their original form and amaze with their splendor.

Haunted Hotels - Adventure Holidays

Haunted Hotels - Adventure Holidays

A ghost can be encountered anywhere: in an old manor house, on the street, and even in a crowded hotel. Brave tourists, imagining themselves in their dreams as hunters for all evil spirits, are glad when they see the inscription on the booking sites:

Hunting and fishing - in search of exotic

Hunting and fishing - in search of exotic

If you feel confident in the wild, do not get lost on African safaris and in the taiga, know how to handle guns and fishing rods and can feed yourself, if necessary, on a desert island, then our rating is for you. Join us and those who do not know what real hunting and fishing is.

4 mysterious but little-known ruins in the world

4 mysterious but little-known ruins in the world

Ancient civilizations and their cities are always of interest to ordinary tourists who want to look at least with one eye at the thousand-year-old buildings of unknown purpose. We've compiled a list of ruins worth planning a trip to in the next decade:

The most interesting exhibits of the Mineralogical Museum in Moscow

The most interesting exhibits of the Mineralogical Museum in Moscow

The most exquisite items made of gold and malachite, fragments of meteorites, unusual minerals … All of this is the largest Mineralogical Museum in our country. Fersman. It is located in Moscow, on Leninsky Prospekt. Is it worth visiting? Of course it's worth it!

Places where alcohol is prohibited

Places where alcohol is prohibited

Did you know that there are places on Earth where drinking is prohibited? Moreover, this prohibition is regulated by laws, and in case of its violation, rather severe punishments are provided in the form of fines or imprisonment. Similar restrictions are to be expected in Muslim countries where alcohol is prohibited by religion.

7 amazing facts about Tierra del Fuego

7 amazing facts about Tierra del Fuego

The Tierra del Fuego archipelago is a sparsely populated and inhospitable territory, but it remains an object of attraction for tourists. The archipelago attracts people who want to escape from civilization and enjoy wildlife. In addition to the legends left over from the aborigines, many interesting facts are associated with Tierra del Fuego.

Georgian Military Road - interesting places along the way

Georgian Military Road - interesting places along the way

Since the beginning of the 19th century, the Georgian Military Highway has been called the main route through the Main Caucasian ridge. In fact, the road connecting the North Caucasus with the Transcaucasus has existed since antiquity. It was also described by ancient historiographers.

Top 6 largest lakes in the world

Top 6 largest lakes in the world

Lakes are natural objects that attract attention with their beauty and the surrounding nature. Lakes on Earth are very diverse, but there are those that surprise with their size and stand out from others. Caspian Sea The Caspian Sea is considered the largest lake on the planet.

Cafe for badgers and gophers

Cafe for badgers and gophers

Charming specialty establishments have sprung up in the UK and Russia. These are the real cafes for badgers and gophers - with tables, plates of treats and an elaborate menu. The main guests of these restaurants are cute animals, but tourists can also join the celebration by watching the meal from the sidelines.

7 interesting facts about the Mariana Trench

7 interesting facts about the Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench, or Mariana Trench, is located in the western Pacific Ocean and is considered the deepest place on the planet. The depression was discovered in the second half of the 19th century thanks to the research expedition of the British corvette Challenger.

The smallest countries in the world, including virtual ones

The smallest countries in the world, including virtual ones

It happens - some village suddenly decides to secede from the territory of a certain country and declares itself an independent state, prints stamps, issues its own currency and attracts many tourists from all over the world. Or a couple of mansions in the middle of Rome suddenly turn out to be owned by another country that controls only them and another fortress in neighboring Malta.