Trips 2024, October

Top 3 interesting auto routes in Russia

Top 3 interesting auto routes in Russia

Leave planes for business trips, and trains for autumn days, when you want to watch the rain outside the window with the sound of wheels. In summer, you need to travel exclusively by car so as not to miss a single moment of your vacation, meet the sunrises in the most picturesque places and be sure that even more beautiful landscapes will be beyond the horizon.

Top 5 incredible underwater cities

Top 5 incredible underwater cities

Since ancient times, people have tried to settle near water - on the shores of oceans, seas and rivers. Large water made it possible to travel long distances on rafts and boats, promoted the development of trade relations, and it also became the reason for the appearance of the top incredible underwater cities presented to your attention.

China's ghost towns - for whom they were built

China's ghost towns - for whom they were built

Blocky skyscrapers with hollows of dark windows, huge shopping malls, deserted roads with bright markings and working traffic lights, deserted amusement parks with bright attractions are the ghost towns of China. For whom are endless residential quarters built, where only the wind blows, who invests heavily in the construction of real estate that, it seems, is not needed by anyone?

Places of fulfillment of desires in St. Petersburg

Places of fulfillment of desires in St. Petersburg

It is much more interesting to walk around the city if there are many places ahead of you, which, when carrying out sometimes strange rituals, are able to make the most cherished dreams come true. Places of fulfillment of desires in St. Petersburg are not just fun for tourists, but also a very common reality that city dwellers encounter every day.

Fines on the beaches of Russia

Fines on the beaches of Russia

Tourists who are surprised to read about the strange prohibitions that await travelers by the sea in distant countries sometimes learn with disbelief that fines on the beaches of Russia for certain misdemeanors are also not uncommon. Police are monitoring compliance with the rules on the well-maintained beaches of southern Russia.

3 places you don't want to go

3 places you don't want to go

A person is curious, passionate and always ready to get where it is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible. However, there are places on Earth where you definitely do not want to go. And not because someone sacredly observes the inviolability of these places, although this also happens.

Pros and cons of first line hotels

Pros and cons of first line hotels

When choosing a hotel for a holiday by the sea, we focus on many criteria, including its location. Are the pros and cons of front line hotels so obvious? Is it worth saving and settling far from the sea? Let's figure it out. What is the first line There is a generally accepted classification of hotels, which allows you to find out the location of the hotel with only one phrase - the first, second, third line.

Where to find a witch - 8 attractions related to witchcraft

Where to find a witch - 8 attractions related to witchcraft

Do you think witches are characters from fairy tales? But no. There are places where they lived and still live. You just need to know where to look for places with a mystical past associated with witchcraft and witches. Salem Witch City, Massachusetts, USA This suburb of Boston is called "

15 main masterpieces of the Russian Museum

15 main masterpieces of the Russian Museum

The Russian Museum is a unique collection of cultural heritage objects in the field of Russian painting. The collection of the museum includes thousands of paintings on various subjects - the works of artists of the past and present. Among the many masterpieces, there are those that stand out especially for their uniqueness and their effect on the viewer.

6 of the worst slums in the world

6 of the worst slums in the world

In an area where you live there is a lot of rubbish and few trees? Or, on the contrary, is it clean and green? But whatever it is, for sure it is a thousand times better than the places that we will talk about here. These places are more like the scenery for the apocalypse movies.

Vacation 2021: what to take on the road to enjoy it?

Vacation 2021: what to take on the road to enjoy it?

Travel by "savages" in the comfort of a hotel Restrictions on travel abroad made Russians remember their experience of car travel in Russia. Rest "savages" in our time no longer seems so "wild", the main thing is to have the right equipment.

Top 9 ancient castles and fortresses in Serbia

Top 9 ancient castles and fortresses in Serbia

Ancient Serbian castles are reminiscent of the bloody wars between Slavic Serbs, Hungarians and Ottoman Turks. Many of the ancient fortresses have survived to our days in their original form and are popular with tourists. We invite you to see 9 castles in Serbia and decide which one to pay more attention to.

4 amazing streets

4 amazing streets

Streets are different: typical, familiar to everyone, not outstanding at all - and those that take your breath away and about which you can say "a little too". Every traveler's dream is to see 4 of the strangest streets in the world.

7 haunted Asian hotels

7 haunted Asian hotels

Love scary ghost stories? Have you ever seen a real ghost? If not, you have a chance to see it. There are places where ghosts live for years or even centuries. Asian hotels are often such places. Which ones? You will find out by reading the article!

4 mythical creatures - where to look

4 mythical creatures - where to look

When we see in legends and myths the mention of representatives of outlandish peoples, it seems to us that this is a fruit of folk fantasy. But in any invention there is a grain of truth - and this is evidenced by the really existing or existing in the past 4 mythical creatures.

Top 5 unusual places in Kazan

Top 5 unusual places in Kazan

Kazan is an ancient city suitable for recreation and attracting tourists. The city has many attractions that reveal its historical and cultural heritage. In addition, Kazan is full of unusual places that are not so popular, but will definitely not leave visitors indifferent.

Top 5 cave monasteries in Crimea

Top 5 cave monasteries in Crimea

Crimea is known for a large number of interesting sights. A special place among them is occupied by caves, which today conceal many mysteries and attract with their uniqueness. Cave monasteries have become the hallmark of Crimea, as tourists have the opportunity to appreciate their unusual appearance and feel the special atmosphere inside.

11 scariest train routes in the world

11 scariest train routes in the world

Do you know what dangers can lie in wait on the railway? Do you think this is a safe transport? Far from everywhere and not always! There are corners on the planet where some of the most terrible railways still operate. Road to Rameshwaram The railway leading to this sacred Indian city was built over a century ago.

7 unusual places in Estonia

7 unusual places in Estonia

What do we usually watch in Estonia? Old Tallinn, castles and cathedrals, towers and waterfalls. The country is full of attractions. But sometimes you want to get off the hiking trail and see something unusual. To understand that this interesting country has more than just Kadriorg and Toompea Castle.

The hottest places on the planet

The hottest places on the planet

The hottest places on earth are scattered all over the place. Each of them has not only unique climatic features, but also its own history, as well as national specifics. Living in such places for a person is always associated with overcoming difficulties.

15 main masterpieces of the Tretyakov Gallery

15 main masterpieces of the Tretyakov Gallery

The Tretyakov Gallery contains many masterpieces of painting. The gallery's paintings amaze visitors with their beauty, naturalism and technique. Each painting is a unique piece of art that combines the skill of the artist and a specific era.

The largest dams in the world

The largest dams in the world

In the course of its development, mankind has created and erected ever larger structures. The dam is one of the buildings developed by man thanks to the example of nature and modified for his own needs. At the moment, there are dams that are striking in their gigantic dimensions.

Tokyo city ghosts - ancient and modern

Tokyo city ghosts - ancient and modern

Urban folklore exists in all countries of the world, but it is especially colorful in Japan. Absolutely all residents of this country know the terrible legends of Tokyo. City ghosts, female snakes, scary dolls, cow heads - all these characters have only one thing in common:

The most amazing metro stations in the world

The most amazing metro stations in the world

Dark arches, smoke from a steam locomotive, stuffiness in class 1-2 carriages, dust in open class 3 carriages - this is what the first metro is. It opened in London in 1863. Much has changed since then: instead of steam locomotives, electric locomotives have been operating for a long time, subways began to compete in the comfort of carriages, and subway stations in design.

The most popular Canadian national parks

The most popular Canadian national parks

Canada is not only a country of immigrants and new opportunities, but also a country that has preserved its own national flavor in the wild. The best way to have a good time and see Canada in all its glory is to visit its national parks, which cover most of the country.

7 places of fulfillment of wishes in Moscow

7 places of fulfillment of wishes in Moscow

It often happens that rumor attributes miraculous properties to some fountain, tower, statue. It is very easy to find 7 places of fulfillment of wishes in Moscow, because they are known to many guides and ordinary passers-by who are interested in the history of our capital.

8 famous fake landmarks

8 famous fake landmarks

Did you know that some of the most famous landmarks are actually fakes? Are you surprised? However, it is so! Ancient legends, fantasies of writers, poets and filmmakers have given rise to many deceptions for tourists … So, let's debunk some myths!

Places where virgin forests and impenetrable jungle are still preserved

Places where virgin forests and impenetrable jungle are still preserved

A person flies into space, climbs steep peaks, successfully copes with the sands in the desert, turning them into fertile lands, but still cannot get to some parts of the Earth. Where are the virgin forests and impenetrable jungles on the planet preserved?

Top 7 oldest restaurants in the world still operating

Top 7 oldest restaurants in the world still operating

When traveling, few people think that not only a castle or a monument can be old. There are restaurants that have been delighting visitors with delicious cuisine for hundreds of years. They have endured all wars and crises, and continue to maintain culinary traditions and a special atmosphere.

Top 4 places in Russia for outdoor enthusiasts

Top 4 places in Russia for outdoor enthusiasts

To go mountaineering and rafting, ride horses and bicycles, it is not necessary to travel to distant countries - such adventures are available in our country. We have compiled the top 4 places in Russia for outdoor enthusiasts. Even a person with a minimal level of training can join the brave conquerors of peaks and tamers of wild rivers.

6 very dangerous volcanoes on the planet

6 very dangerous volcanoes on the planet

Volcanic eruptions are one of the cataclysms that pose a great threat to humanity. On the other hand, volcanoes attract attention for their unusual beauty and mystery. Nowadays, many volcanoes are scattered around the world, but only the most active are ready to explode at any moment and bring catastrophic destruction.

5 weird and unusual buildings on the planet

5 weird and unusual buildings on the planet

Architects are proud of them, tourists admire them, and the locals are used to them, but still sometimes freeze, enjoying the bizarre view of 5 of the strangest buildings on the planet. These buildings include residential buildings, museums, temples, hotels.

Unusual and rarely visited places in Crete

Unusual and rarely visited places in Crete

Crete, amazing and versatile, is definitely not a one-trip destination. In addition to beach holidays, there are a lot of famous places that are "must see". And so, when you get a tan, go for a swim, visit palaces, fortresses, monasteries and islets, start making plans for your next trip.

Travel cosmetic bag: a must-have for your vacation

Travel cosmetic bag: a must-have for your vacation

Preparing for a long-awaited vacation is always exciting. To make your vacation a success, you should take care of filling your suitcases in advance. Someone stuffs them with dresses and swimsuits, someone with cosmetics. But more often than not, a dilemma arises.

Pyramids in Russian forests - who built and why

Pyramids in Russian forests - who built and why

Mushroom pickers and lovers of hiking in green spaces located near large settlements in the European part of Russia must have come across strange structures, as if left here by an alien civilization. What are these truncated pyramids in Russian forests, who built them, and what they are for, let's figure it out.

Mysterious tribes of the world that receive tourists

Mysterious tribes of the world that receive tourists

The mysterious tribes of the world that do not oppose the arrival of tourists still exist on our planet. Representatives of these nationalities adhere to the laws of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers and do not at all seek to acquire smartphones with high-speed Wi-Fi, smart watches and other benefits of civilization.

Amazing types and varieties of beer

Amazing types and varieties of beer

Producers don't go to any lengths to improve the most popular drink on the planet - beer. It is brewed with atypical products, sweets are added to it, mixed with herbs according to old secrets - and as a result, they get the strangest beer on the planet.

7 unusual facts about Elbrus

7 unusual facts about Elbrus

Elbrus is the best. The highest of European mountain peaks (5642 m above sea level), one of the most beautiful places on the planet, the most attractive place for athletes and travelers. You can talk a lot about him, and everything is superb.

7 places of fulfillment of desires in Sochi

7 places of fulfillment of desires in Sochi

Places of power, mysterious sights that people endow with magical power that contribute to the fulfillment of their plans, are found in different parts of our Motherland. 7 places of fulfillment of desires in Sochi attract thousands of tourists every year.

Museum-ships in Russia

Museum-ships in Russia

Do you like visiting unusual places? If so, then you must like the ship museums. There are several such museums in our country. In this article, we will cover some of them. Aurora Almost every Russian has heard about the cruiser bearing this name.