What to bring from Chile

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What to bring from Chile
What to bring from Chile

Video: What to bring from Chile

Video: What to bring from Chile
Video: Things you need to bring when coming to Chile 2024, June
photo: What to bring from Chile
photo: What to bring from Chile
  • What to bring delicious from Chile?
  • Amazing taste
  • Copper exclusive
  • Products with a national character

The eternal problem of any traveler who reaches the final point of the route is what to buy as a gift for relatives. After all, the closest people, friends and colleagues, of course, are waiting for interesting souvenirs with the national symbols of the host country, practical gifts and useless, beautiful little things. In this material, the reader will find the answer to the question of what to bring from Chile, besides the famous grape wine.

This South American state is small in size, but it is ready to please foreigners with a huge non-standard set of souvenirs, original interior items, gifts for men, women and children.

What to bring delicious from Chile?

First, we will conduct an absentee inspection of grocery stores and hypermarkets in order to find real Chilean goodies worthy of a flight to the other end of the world. Most of all, foreign guests adore sweets, in this regard, cities and towns of the country are ready to offer the following set:

  • palm honey, obtained from the sap of the palm tree, which grows only in Chile;
  • Alfajores, delicious gingerbread made in small bakeries, and therefore preserving the taste and aroma of homemade baked goods;
  • canned exotic fruits, such as jars of papaya, chestnut or alqayota jam (melon, pumpkin and watermelon cocktail to taste), figs stuffed with walnuts;
  • olive paste, a good addition to pasta and spaghetti;
  • aromatic spices and alpine Chilean dried herbs;
  • herbal tea.

Of all the plants, the Chilean araucaria (pignones) stands out, its seeds are a kind of symbol of Chile. Once, thanks to this plant, representatives of the Mapuche tribe, who lived in the mountainous regions of the country, survived. Today, seeds are a delicious delicacy, according to local recipes, you just need to boil them for about half an hour in water, then peel them off and eat. Some tourists, having heard a lot of beautiful legends about this unique tree and its role in the life of a whole people, are trying to take away the sprouts of araucaria to their homeland. Most often, a young plant dies, which is explained by the unusual living conditions for it, although romantic-minded people may think that it could not bear the separation from its homeland.

Amazing taste

Grape wines from Chile have long become a world celebrity, they are actively squeezing the market leaders, French and Spanish wines. As historians assure, the production of this delicious grape drink was started by monks who arrived in Chilean territories together with the conquistadors.

The favorable climate, good soil, sufficient amount of sunlight and moisture contributed to the fact that viticulture began to develop very actively, followed by winemaking. The production of delicious alcoholic beverages was largely facilitated by the French themselves, who brought grape varieties suitable for production to Chile. Thus, in 1851, the country experienced a kind of wine revolution, since then it has taken its rightful place in the world market.

In addition to wine, you can buy stronger alcoholic drinks in Chile, one of them is pisco, its strength is in the region of Russian vodka. On sale there are ordinary bottles and containers, outwardly reminiscent of the famous idols from Easter Island, another national Chilean brand.

Copper exclusive

Chile is by far the largest country in the world where copper is produced and processed, and, surprisingly, local craftsmen have learned to make incredible things out of it. In the list of usual copper souvenirs, you can see the following products: ritual masks; dishes - plates, mugs, cup holders, bowls; Turks and teapots; notebooks decorated with a copper cover.

The most amazing copper souvenir can be socks, thermal underwear, just underwear. For their manufacture, the finest metal thread is used, according to local residents, such goods are beneficial to human health, according to tourists, they are one of the most original gifts from Chile.

Products with a national character

In addition to the fact that in Chile you can buy alcohol poured in containers in the form of sacred idols, so these very idols can also be purchased as souvenirs. They are made from a variety of materials, but wood is considered the most suitable. Chileans make a variety of things from wood, for example, plates with images of local gods and mythological characters. Tourists also love more practical goods, such as spoons, bowls, salad bowls, trays.

Alpacas are a popular animal in South America, and in Chile, and in neighboring countries, you can buy ponchos and hats, mittens and sweaters, knitted in classical or modern traditions, preserving ethnic style or universal. Such things keep warm for a long time, are comfortable and practical.
