Arafura sea

Arafura sea
Arafura sea
photo: Arafura Sea
photo: Arafura Sea

The marginal continental sea of the Indian Ocean is the Arafura Sea. It is located between New Guinea, Australia, the Cai and Tanimbar Islands. Arafura resembles the Timor Sea in many ways. This similarity is due to the same climate and shelf neighborhood. The Arafura Sea received its designation thanks to the Alfurs, the aborigines of the Mauk Islands. The water area has an area of about 1017 thousand square meters. km. its maximum depth in the Aru depression is 3860 m, and the average one is 186 m. Most of the sea is shallow. The Arafura Sea is considered relatively young. The level of the World Ocean has risen, as a result a new sea, the Arafura Sea, arose in place of the land. For this reason, it is shallow.

The map of the Arafura Sea clearly shows that its shores are heavily indented. The largest bay is Carpentaria. It is located in the southern part of the water area. The sea is connected to the Pacific Ocean in the east with the help of the Torress Strait. It is a shallow but wide strait. Deep straits in the northern part connect the Arafura Sea with the Seram and Banda Seas.

Climatic conditions

The monsoon tropical climate prevails in the Arafura Sea region. The water temperature is, on average, about 25-28 degrees. The salinity of the sea water is approximately 35 ppm. In summer, the monsoon blows here from the northwest, and in winter - the monsoon from the southeast. The tides reach 2.5 m in height. The maximum height of the tide is 7 m. Hurricanes and typhoons often occur in the sea. The seasonal climate is manifested by alternating periods of drought with prolonged rains.

The underwater world of the Arafura Sea

The bottom of the reservoir is covered with sand, and in some places - lime mud. Deep water areas have red clays. There are numerous banks, shallows and coral structures throughout the shelf. The underwater world here is the same as in the Timor Sea. These seas have the same vegetation. There are many different types of algae and coral in the coastal areas. In the Arafura Sea, there is no abundance of phytoplankton and phytoalgae, as the water there is too salty and warm. But this sea has a rich animal world. The reservoir boasts an abundance of molluscs, crustaceans, benthic organisms, and echinoderms. Experts identify more than 300 species of fish that live in its water area. Dangerous marine animals are also found in the Arafura Sea. These include: some coral polyps, box jellyfish, blue-ringed octopuses, siphonophora physalia, etc. Sharks, stingrays, barracudas can injure humans.

The coast of the Arafura Sea is covered with tropical forests. New Guinea is distinguished by swampy shores, rare animals are found in the thickets of forests. The coastal land is sparsely populated. Therefore, the Arafura Sea is ecologically clean. Large ports and well-known resorts are absent here.
