Center of Buddhism Nan Shan (Nanshan Temple) description and photos - China: Hainan Island

Center of Buddhism Nan Shan (Nanshan Temple) description and photos - China: Hainan Island
Center of Buddhism Nan Shan (Nanshan Temple) description and photos - China: Hainan Island
Nan Shan Buddhism Center
Nan Shan Buddhism Center

Description of the attraction

The largest center of Buddhism, Nan Shan, is located about 50 km from the city of Sanya. This is not just a tourist attraction; it hosts religious services, Buddhist rituals, as well as various celebrations. Buddhists come to Nan Shan not only from all over China, but also from all over the world.

In fact, NanShan is a large park that occupies almost 50 square meters. km. On a specially erected small island, which is connected to the coast by a thin isthmus, there is a bronze statue of the goddess Kuan Yin. I can't believe it, but the height of the statue is 108 meters. For comparison, the well-known Statue of Liberty in New York has a height of 93 m.

One of the temples houses another impressive statue of Kuan Yin. It is made of pure gold and weighs 140 kg. The goddess is adorned with precious stones and sits on a white jade plinth shaped like a large lotus flower. But this statue is famous all over the world not so much for its weight as for the fact that it contains the ashes of Buddha Shakyamuni, who lived 2500 years ago and founded Buddhism. This makes the statue not only a symbol of religion, but also a special object for worship.

Nan Shan is a complex consisting of a temple, a valley of longevity and two parks named "The Path of Mercy" and "Happiness and Well-being". In the center of the square belonging to Nan Shan, there are three turtles, symbolizing three generations. These images in the national tradition remind of respect for old age, peace and well-being in the family. The Gong of Good Luck is also interesting, which must be hit in order to release all worries and troubles.

Overall, Nan Shan is an ideal place to seek tranquility and contemplation of beauty. The park is made according to all the laws of feng shui and represents the harmony of man and nature.

For the Chinese, Nan Shan is the standard of a sacred place. They come here to pray, people ask the goddess Kuan Yin to fulfill their deepest desires. They set fire to incense and tie red strips of cloth to trees with prayer, and then go to the statue of the goddess to bow. At the exit, all visitors to the temple are offered to purchase a gold card with the image of a goddess who will bring good luck and fulfill a wish.

