Fox Village and Cat Island

Fox Village and Cat Island
Fox Village and Cat Island
photo: Fox Village and Cat Island
photo: Fox Village and Cat Island

On the main island of Japan, Honshu, in the Tohoku region, there are a couple of attractions that will interest wildlife lovers - the fox village and the island of cats. To find these interesting places, you need to go to Miyagi Prefecture, which is located on the Pacific coast north of the infamous Fukushima.

On a visit to the foxes

Fox Village Miyagi Zao, which the press dubs "The sweetest place on earth," is a private zoo located in the northwestern part of Shiroishi city, at an altitude of about 590 m.

It is home to about 250 foxes of different species. Some of them are kept in aviaries, because they are not yet used to tourists. Other animals roam freely around the park, observing visitors with curiosity, sometimes allowing themselves to be stroked and begging for food.

Foxes may not be in the mood. It is better not to touch such aggressive pussies, because they can bite painfully. It is recommended that the chanterelles throw the treat, and not hold it in their hand, for no one can guarantee that they will behave quietly and will not bite the gifts of the one who brings it.

Before going to the zoo, you need to know the following:

  • since foxes live in burrows, they often dig in the ground, creating cozy dwellings for themselves, so many individuals on the territory of the zoo can be dirty;
  • foxes are usually active at night, but the inhabitants of the fox village are accustomed to stay awake during the day when tourists come to them;
  • there is a room in the zoo where almost domesticated foxes are kept, checked by veterinarians for diseases, so these chanterelles can be stroked fearlessly;
  • on the territory of the park there is a small temple of the goddess Inari, who, according to the beliefs of the Japanese, patronizes foxes;
  • besides foxes, rabbits, goats and ponies also live in the zoo.

History of the fox village


Fox Village in Shiroishi appeared by accident. The owners of this farm used to be engaged in milk production. An acquaintance of theirs bred foxes for the sake of fluffy beautiful fur. When it became cheaper to import fox skins from abroad than to get them at home, many animal farms in Japan went bankrupt.

Fox Village was opened on the basis of a farm where foxes were kept. The guys who now own the zoo consulted and decided to find more effective options for using live chanterelles than slaughtering them for skins. In 1990, a petting zoo was established with meadows for fox walking.

An advertisement for the zoo appeared on television, and tourists went to the amazing village. Now the zoo employs specialists who create programs for breeding foxes, focusing on the practices adopted in dog kennels.

Chanterelles at the zoo do more than entertain visitors. They are also movie and television stars. They are often rented to participate in various events. Quite often, foxes from Miyagi Zao are transported to other zoos in the world.

The current inhabitants of the fox village do not need to worry about being killed for their fluffy skins. They spend their whole lives in very comfortable conditions, swimming in the adoration of the public.

The entrance to the territory of the fox village is paid.

Kingdom of cats

The reference point for the search for the island of cats Tashiro is the city of Ishinomaki, all in the same Miyagi prefecture. There are regular ferries to the island. The journey will take about an hour.

Tashiro is a unique space where cats feel like masters. It is forbidden to bring dogs here, so the mustachioed beauties are not in danger. There are much more cats here than those who feed them. But there were times when everything was the other way around.

There are two fishing seaside villages on Tashiro - Odomari and Nitoda. Now only Japanese retirees live in them: young people have long since dispersed throughout the country.

Fishermen have always believed that having a cat in the house can bring good luck and lead to big catches. The cats also killed rats. So the first cats appeared here, which then filled the whole island.

A warm welcome awaits each ferry with tourists - many tailed beasts are already sitting on the pier, waiting for new guests. During your visit to the island, you need to plan a visit to the sanctuary dedicated to the cat.

A few steps away there is a place selling themed souvenirs.
