Cafe for badgers and gophers

Cafe for badgers and gophers
Cafe for badgers and gophers
photo: Cafe for badgers and gophers
photo: Cafe for badgers and gophers

Charming specialty establishments have sprung up in the UK and Russia. These are the real cafes for badgers and gophers - with tables, plates of treats and an elaborate menu. The main guests of these restaurants are cute animals, but tourists can also join the celebration by watching the meal from the sidelines.

Home restaurant

Quarantine is so tired of everyone that people began to look for entertainment without leaving the territory of their own homes. So, in the English town of Kent, one of the local residents organized a restaurant for badgers in his own yard.

Marcel Payne, who taught novice drivers to drive, was deprived of his favorite job for 3 long months. His little son also did not leave the house, seeing his classmates only through a computer monitor. And so the father and son became bored that they decided to come up with some fun at home.

Marseille often saw badgers in his garden, who came here in search of food. To support the adorable animals, the Payne family set up a bench-table on the street between two stumps, which could be accessed through an arched passage made of metal rods. Above this building was the sign "Restaurant for badgers."


The animals quickly noticed that delicious treats appeared on the plates every evening for the shop. And soon regular customers appeared in the restaurant, whom the owners even gave names to. Here you can see the badgers Biscuit, Beavis, Zeb, Smadzh. Other as yet unnamed badgers come here every night. Usually about a dozen clients gather at the table. And sometimes a fox wanders around for a treat. Often they see a cat here, which also does not mind getting its share of sweets.

A restaurant for badgers is an institution with its own characteristics:

  • only tasty and healthy food is served here: high quality dog food, which is perfect for badgers, a variety of nuts, chopped fruits, berries, bread with peanut butter;
  • the menu is supervised by veterinarians who work with special funds for the protection of wildlife;
  • badgers will not be lazy in the further independent search for food: such a treat will only support them in the warm season, when due to drought they cannot fully eat.

Krasnoyarsk "Gopher Pub"

On the central glade of Tatyshev Island, located on the Yenisei and turned into a recreation area for residents of Krasnoyarsk, on July 19, 2021, a "Gopher Pub" was opened - a small gazebo-feeder with stands for food intended for gophers. Above each shelf for treats there is a recommendation inscription telling about what you can feed the gophers.

There are a lot of gophers on Tatyshev Island. They are almost tame, they are not afraid of visitors, who are sure to bring a treat for the rodents. True, you cannot feed gophers with anything that comes to hand in the refrigerator. They are advised to bring fruits and dried fruits, carrots, unroasted seeds, millet.

Absolutely everyone benefits from the Gopher Pub: tourists and residents of Krasnoyarsk who do a good deed and enjoy it; gophers who may not think about food; and foxes, who eat gophers for lunch and rejoice at especially large, well-fed individuals.
