In the opinion of many, submarines are objects surrounded by strict secrecy. They can be seen in more detail only in the form of scenery, in feature films. But is it? You will be very surprised, but a real submarine can be seen … in Moscow. And this is not at all difficult to do. Would you like more information? Then read this article to the end.
You can see a real submarine in North Tushino. There it rises above the waters of the Khimki reservoir. B-396 (this is the name of the submarine) looks very impressive even from the outside. And those who have been inside the museum get even more vivid impressions … But first things first. Let us first tell you a little about the history of the boat before its transformation into a museum.
The submarine was launched in the early 80s of the XX century. She was withdrawn from the fleet at the end of the 90s. During this time, she managed to visit both the Mediterranean Sea and the waters of the Atlantic Ocean (both in its northern and southern parts). The submarine passed by the African shores, swam in the Arctic Ocean … In a word, the boat's past was varied and interesting.
When it was decided to museumize it, the submarine was transferred to the Arkhangelsk region. There began large-scale work on its re-equipment. And when they ended … the boat was abandoned. For several years she stood alone at the pier, forgotten by everyone. In winter, there was a real threat of flooding. At this time, the boat was squeezed by ice. Only thanks to the efforts of a small crew, the submarine did not die.
And then they remembered the boat again. For some time, there was debate about where exactly to install it. But now the final decision was made. The boat took its current position. In 2006, the unusual museum opened its doors to visitors for the first time.
What's inside

If you expect the boat to look exactly the same inside as when traveling across seas and oceans, then you will be disappointed. However, do not rush to be disappointed too much. Much has remained unchanged. The biggest "innovation" is the openings between the compartments. They are adapted so that people with disabilities can visit the museum.
The museum has 7 halls. More precisely, there are 7 compartments in which expositions are located. It also shows films about the history of the fleet and the creation of various types of weapons. And if you are interested in the boat's tail rotor complex, you can also see it. The fact is that the submarine is raised several meters above the water.
There are still mines and torpedoes on board. But don't be alarmed! They, of course, have long been rendered harmless.
Here are some parameters of the submarine:
- length - about 90 m;
- width - 8.6 m;
- draft - 5.7 m;
- the maximum immersion depth is 300 m.
So, visiting a real submarine is much easier than you thought. You just need to choose a convenient day. By the way, please note that the museum is closed on Mondays. And on Thursdays it works until 9 pm. On the rest of the week, it closes at 7pm. The beginning of its work - 11 hours.
On Thursdays, guided tours run at 17:00 and 19:00. On other days - at 15:00 and 17:00. Do not forget to call the Navy Museum in advance (+7 (495) 640-73-56, +7 (926) 522-15-96).