Church of the Holy Trinity (Dreifaltigkeitskirche) description and photos - Germany: Ulm

Church of the Holy Trinity (Dreifaltigkeitskirche) description and photos - Germany: Ulm
Church of the Holy Trinity (Dreifaltigkeitskirche) description and photos - Germany: Ulm
Church of the Holy Trinity
Church of the Holy Trinity

Description of the attraction

The rich history of the Trinity Church in Ulm is similar to that of other monastic churches in the city. Erection, rebuilding, demolition and restoration have all survived this magnificent Renaissance building.

Outside the city wall, near the Eastern Gate, in 1281, the Dominican Order acquired land and began building a large monastery. In 1305, the building of the Church of the Holy Trinity was completed and consecrated. During the Reformation, which began in Ulm in 1531, the Dominicans left the monastery and began a period of decline and gradual destruction of the church. Only for a short time it was revived in 1547 for the funeral service for the wife of the late brother Charles V.

Through the efforts of the Ulm municipality from 1617 to 1621, under the leadership of the master Martin Banzenmacher, an almost complete reconstruction of the Trinity Church began. Only the Gothic altar was preserved in its original form, and a new building in the Renaissance style was erected on the old foundation. Since 1809, the Church of the Holy Trinity has become a parish for the inhabitants of the so-called "Lower City". Until the middle of the 20th century, the building underwent numerous reconstructions and changes in the interior decoration, including the replacement of the organ. The excellent acoustics of the premises were highly appreciated; until 1944, organ music concerts were regularly held here.

As a result of a bomb hit on December 17, 1944, the Trinity Church was almost completely destroyed, only the bell tower and part of the outer walls survived. A few decades later, it was decided to restore the building, in 1977 the dome of the tower was restored to its original form, the rest of the internal and external appearance of the church was significantly changed.

