Are you dreaming of a vacation in Crimea, but are you afraid that it will hit your budget? Heard about high prices in the region? Do not despair! There are budget-friendly ways to make your dream come true. Let's consider the points!

At the resort, everyone strives to live closer to the sea. But in order to save money, it is better to consider just other options. Accommodation that is 20 minutes walk from the beach will be significantly cheaper. A 20-minute walk in the morning and evening is good for your health and even pleasant.
It is better to look for a roof over your head in advance, using the global network. Think you can figure it out on the spot, without the help of the Internet? In this case, you can get into a very unpleasant situation. It may turn out that you have only two options: "klopovnik" or spending the night on the street. So it is better to sort out this issue in advance.
Have you decided to rent a house in the private sector? This is very wise. There, the payment is always lower than in hotels. Bargaining is possible and even necessary: it will bring wonderful results. An important point: if the owner of the house insists on a daily payment, you are in front of a scammer. It is worth staying away from such "offers".
No taxis! The prices for travel in them are cosmic. If you prefer this transport, then forget about the savings immediately.
What to ride? By buses, trolleybuses, minibuses. It doesn't sound very smart, but expenses are kept to a minimum. If you have your own car, great. If not, you can always rent it. By the way, in this case, and housing can be rented far from the beach and very cheap. It is easy to cover any distance by car.
And do not forget about the existence of a hitchhiking - for young and unencumbered children, this is a very real way of traveling!
If you are light-headed, it is worth considering last minute tours. This is a great option for those who can get ready for a long journey in a couple of minutes. There are especially many such tours towards the end of summer, when the season ends. Here's what is usually included in their cost:
- nutrition;
- accommodation;
- transfer.
Sometimes there is no transfer. Be careful while studying the conditions.
Perhaps you are not interested in last-minute tours and want to buy tickets on dates convenient for you. Please note: tickets start to drop rapidly around the beginning of autumn. Or there is another option: buy a ticket about six months before the vacation. Sounds crazy? But you will have to pay mere pennies! Start thinking about a vacation in January. Then in July you can get to the resort and back on a very budgetary basis.
Better to go to cafes located far from the city center. Better yet, eat in canteens. A great option is to buy food at the supermarket. You can cook it yourself - it's also very budgetary. Do you think that cooking is no longer a rest? Then you can choose another option. We are just listing the options to help you save money.
Do not buy anything at official markets or near pistes. Previously, it was believed that near the highway, everything is sold very cheaply. But times have changed.
Don't buy anything on the waterfront or tourist area. Remember: all the same can be bought on the neighboring streets, but only much cheaper.

Forget the word "excursion". Why do you need a guide if you can read everything in the guide? An excursion is a waste of money, but your goal, on the contrary, is to save it.
You will meet a lot of sights. And if you ask the locals, then there is a chance to find some very unusual sights. And it's absolutely free!
Now you see that it is quite possible to go to Crimea on a budget. If you follow our advice, you will spend a minimum of money on your trip. As a result, you will have both your money and pleasant memories! Just what you dreamed of.