Aquarium, Reptilarium and Shark Expo description and photos - Italy: Lido di Jesolo

Aquarium, Reptilarium and Shark Expo description and photos - Italy: Lido di Jesolo
Aquarium, Reptilarium and Shark Expo description and photos - Italy: Lido di Jesolo
Oceanarium and Shark Exhibition
Oceanarium and Shark Exhibition

Description of the attraction

Located in the resort town of Lido di Jesolo, the Oceanarium and Shark Exhibition is an excellent way to see live reptiles, tropical butterflies and predatory sharks with your own eyes. Also within its walls are snakes, turtles, tropical fish, spiders, scorpions and various insects. A special area is set aside for the Gallery of Butterflies, which attracts lovers of these fragile creatures of nature from all over the world.

In the Shark Expo pavilion, located in Palazzo del Turismo, 60 sharks from all over the world, belonging to 24 species, are collected in 25 huge containers of water. This is a unique opportunity to see these unusual creatures so close with your own eyes. Here are the Zambezi shark - the only specimen in all of Europe (there are three of them in captivity, the other two are in South Africa and Japan) and the impressive sand tiger sharks. Despite their frightening appearance and dangerous fangs, in fact, these sharks are relatively calm and swim rather slowly, allowing you to see themselves in all their glory. Tiger sand sharks once inhabited the Mediterranean basin, but have completely disappeared due to the fact that humans hunted them in huge quantities. Blunt sharks, they are bulls, are unfairly considered very dangerous because of their appearance - small eyes, always ajar mouth and long sharp fangs. In reality, they only hunt small fish, cephalopods and stingrays. It is the long sharp fangs that allow blunt sharks to bite into prey, among which there may be octopuses.

Also at Shark Expo you can admire rare hammerhead sharks, which are rarely seen in aquariums, yellow sharks, incredibly elegant zebra sharks that captivate all visitors with their smooth movements, two mustachioed nurse sharks - Oscar and Matilda, carpet shark and Asian cat shark. The smallest inhabitant of the exposition is only 10 cm long, and the largest - the blunt shark Rocco - reaches 3 meters.

The local museum displays the huge jaw of a white shark, as well as the fossil remains of shark teeth, ancient and modern devices to protect against the attacks of these predators from all over the world, numerous photographs and historical documents. In the video room you can watch documentaries about sharks and shark attacks on humans.

