Description of the attraction
In 1810, the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God from Polonische was built on the site of the previously existing women's Dormition monastery, which is mentioned in the chronicles as early as 1417-1421; was liquidated in 1764. Funds for the erection of the church were allocated by the Pskov landowner Shishkova Anna Lukinichna - the colonel's widow, who was the grandmother of the famous Decembrist M. A. Often, the Pskovites called the new church the New Dormition Church.
The church had three thrones: the main throne was in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, the image of Christ the Savior not made by hands and the Sign of the Mother of God. A small Resurrection Church was assigned to the Church of the Assumption in 1811, and in 1830 the Assumption Church was assigned to the Resurrection Church.
The second name - Nazimovskaya church - the temple received thanks to the famous name of the Decembrist Nazimov. This rare church in Pskov became an example of church architecture, executed in the style of strict provincial classicism at the beginning of the 19th century.
The harmonious basis for the rotundal single-domed church is created by the square plan of the quadrangle, which has rounded corners. On all four sides, the church is surrounded by four-column porticoes. Due to the fact that the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God is located on a hill, the architect appropriately decided to decorate the temple with a wide drum and a dome, decorated with a decorative lantern.
Separately from the church, a bell tower was soon erected, the upper part of which was decorated with a spire. The bell tower had eight bells, including two bells dating back to the reign of Tsars Ivan the Terrible and Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.
In the parish in 1849, a chapel was built in honor of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos at the expense of the landowner Ilya Nazimov. Beginning in August 1891, a prayer service with an akathist was held in the chapel in front of the holy icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" exclusively on Sundays.
Many people donated to church needs: the rector Khvoinsky, Bobovkin Peter Gavrilovich, the head of the church Sutotsky Ilya Ivanovich, Demyansky Alexander Ivanovich, as well as a merchant named Leonov.
Since 1874, parish guardianship has appeared in the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God from Polonische. At the parish, there were some educational institutions: higher schools for women and men, elementary schools, as well as an exemplary school assigned to the female diocesan school. During the academic year, on weekends, the singers of the real Sergievsky school took part in the service. On Sundays, starting in October 1896, after Vespers, moral and religious conversations were held in the church, which were accompanied by a prayer service with an akathist before the face of the Mother of God on the icon of the Sign.
In 1916, a priest appeared in the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God - Yupashevsky Alexey Yakovlevich, and Gavrila Alexandrovich Petrov served as a psalmist. The non-commissioned officer of the reserve - Aleksandrov Mikhail Aleksandrovich was appointed the church headman. In the spring of May 25, 1920, an act was drawn up on the transfer of the Red Cross chapel to the hands of the religious society of the New Assumption Church. The side of the believers was represented by the priest Alexei Yupashevsky, who signed the act. In 1926, Yupashevsky was deprived of the right to live in a number of cities located near Pskov. The further fate of this person is so unknown to anyone.
At the moment, the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God is active, the abbot of which is Hegumen Elephimy. The Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God is under the jurisdiction of the guard as an exceptional monument of local importance, approved by the resolution of the Pskov Regional Assembly of Deputies of June 29, 1995.