Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales description and photos - Spain: Madrid

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Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales description and photos - Spain: Madrid
Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales description and photos - Spain: Madrid

Video: Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales description and photos - Spain: Madrid

Video: Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales description and photos - Spain: Madrid
Video: Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales, Madrid 2024, October
Descalzas Reales monastery
Descalzas Reales monastery

Description of the attraction

The Descalzas Reales monastery is located in the center of Madrid in the building of an old palace, where King Charles I and his wife Isabella of Portugal lived at one time. Here in 1535 the royal couple had a daughter, Princess Juana. It was she who became the founder of the monastery for Clarice nuns, the creation of which dates back to 1557.

The novices of the monastery were mainly women from wealthy and noble families, seeking protection within these walls from their families, who wanted to marry them off of convenience. Coming to the monastery, these girls brought their dowry to the monastery of God, among which there were very often priceless works of art, and soon the Descalsas Reales monastery became incredibly rich. At the same time, the girls did not use their treasures - they made a vow to spend their lives in poverty and serving the Lord.

Although the monastery is active, today a museum is open here, which presents the richest collections of works of art that can compete with the collections of the most famous museums. Here you can see the works of Rubens, Titian, Caravaggio, Luini, Zurbaran and many other outstanding artists and sculptors. There is also a collection of coins, marble sculptures, and silverware. The collection of beautiful tapestries, which was donated to the monastery by the daughter of Philip II, the ruler of the Netherlands, Isabella Clara Eugenia, is striking in its beauty.

The interiors of the building of the former palace are decorated in the "plateresque" style. The staircase leading to the novices' chambers and the chapel are decorated with amazing frescoes by various artists. The chapel, in which the founder of the monastery, Donna Juana, who took monastic vows, is buried, is decorated with her kneeling sculpture by Pompey Leoni.

