Description of the attraction
The botanical garden in Graz, Austria, occupies a small area, approximately 28,000 square meters. Located in a residential area of the city. From the outside, the botanical garden might not have been noticed if it were not for the huge glass greenhouses, created in 1995 by the architect Volcker Ginke. These glass greenhouses are home to exotic plants that need temperature conditions all year round.
The structure of the greenhouse allows 98% of sunlight to pass through, which is the highest international achievement in this area to date. The slightly curved double-walled glass makes the construction seem very light. The pipes are practically invisible. There are four climatic zones inside, differing in temperature from 8 ° C to 24 ° C and in humidity from 50% to 80%. In a tropical home, for example, are found tropical plants, orchids and mangrove plants. Mediterranean vegetation with citrus, eucalyptus, etc. can be found in the cold house. Vegetation in South America and Australia grows in the temperate home, while cacti and other plants love dryness. Wooden ladders and bridges lead visitors through four different climatic zones. The temperature is regulated by the hot water of the heating system, and secondly, by means of a cooling system and spraying a light mist of water droplets. In the greenhouse, you can see poisonous plants, as well as look from afar at plants that cause a strong allergic reaction in humans. In addition to indoor greenhouses, the botanical garden is also located outdoors.
Initially, the botanical garden appeared for scientific purposes. It belongs to the Carl Francesc University and was founded in 1887. Various scientific seminars, conferences and congresses are held on the territory of the botanical garden.