House of the Nevyansk icon description and photo - Russia - Ural: Nevyansk

House of the Nevyansk icon description and photo - Russia - Ural: Nevyansk
House of the Nevyansk icon description and photo - Russia - Ural: Nevyansk
House of the Nevyansk Icon
House of the Nevyansk Icon

Description of the attraction

The House of the Nevyansk Icon is one of the cultural institutions of the city. The museum is located not far from the famous Nevyansk tower. In total, the museum displays more than 300 exhibits - samples of Nevyansk icon painting.

Contemporary Nevyansk icon painting is kept in the "Hall of the New Icon". Older exhibits, which are about four centuries old, can be seen in the Hall of the Old Icon. This museum hall displays icons of all directions: from simple folk, the so-called "primitive" to a magnificent signed icon.

In the XVIII-XIX Art. Nevyansk was a real stronghold of the Old Believers. Persecuted by the authorities and the church, the Old Believers moved here. At the same time, the city became famous for the active development of the amazing Nevyansk Old Believer icon, which is distinguished by its beauty, brightness and grace.

Nevyansk icon painting is a unique phenomenon of Russian artistic culture, spreading beyond the territory of the Urals. Today, the city has a secular icon-painting workshop of the "Revival of Nevyansk Icon Painting and Folk Art Crafts" foundation, which is engaged in icon painting according to the canons of the ancient Nevyansk school and the restoration of holy images. Over the ten years of the workshop's work, it was possible not only to revive the traditional Nevyansk icon, but also to create a new one that incorporates all the traditions of the painted icon, jewelry art and volumetric casting.

Icons of masters from Nevyansk are in the city of Yekaterinburg in the Church on the Blood and in many other churches of Russia and art collections: in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov, Novgorod, Tyumen regions, etc. In addition, the modern Nevyansk icon has gained fame for abroad: in the USA, France, Great Britain, Australia and other countries of the world.

