The state emblem of Pakistan was approved in 1954 after the country's independence. A distinctive feature of the coat of arms is that it is completely green. This is due to the fact that the state religion of Pakistan is Islam, and green is sacred to this religion.
Brief description of the coat of arms
In the center of the coat of arms of Pakistan there is a green shield of the French heraldic form, and at the top there is a crescent and a star. The shield depicts the four most important agricultural crops of the country - tea, jute, wheat, cotton. The shield is divided into four parts, and each part contains one of the indicated crops. There is a floral wreath around the shield. At the base there is a scroll on which it is written in Arabic script: "Faith, unity, discipline."
What do the symbols of the Pakistani coat of arms mean
- The predominant color of the coat of arms - green - signifies the sacred history of Pakistan.
- The shield is a symbol of Pakistan's agriculture, signifying the country's wealth of natural resources.
- The crescent and the star are the main symbols of the Islamic religion, found everywhere where it is accepted as a state religion.
- The flower wreath symbolizes the history of the country.
- A scroll with the national motto in Urdu, as it is the state one in this country. The motto itself is taken from the statement of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Why are Islamic symbols used in the coat of arms
The coat of arms of Pakistan has Islamic symbols, since it is a Muslim country: the majority of believers living in this country are Muslims. The star and the crescent are the ideological foundations of Pakistani statehood. The coat of arms of Pakistan uses them to emphasize the importance of Islamic signs in state building. In addition, Islam is the basis of the country's economy and politics, its economic power. All this is emphasized by the coat of arms.
The coat of arms uses the image of the national plant of Pakistan - medicinal jasmine. This is a link to the cultural heritage of Pakistan.
The Pakistani coat of arms is one of the main national symbols of the country. Its use in this Islamic state is strictly regulated by all Sharia regulations. It is considered one of the largest shrines.