Description of the attraction
The Pont Saint-Benese is located above the Rhone river, near the Palais des Papes. He is known for several reasons. This bridge was immortalized in the 15th century children's song "Sur le Pont d'Avignon", sung by children around the world. For example, in China it is even studied at school. In the XX century, this song was performed by the inimitable Mireille Mathieu.
Of course, the Saint-Benese bridge also has historical value. The legend about him is very beautiful. In the 12th century, a 12-year-old boy Benoit had a divine vision. The angel told him to go and build a bridge across the river. And little Benoit began to build a bridge. Construction dragged on for 8 years and lasted from 1177 to 1185. Later, little Benoit became known as Saint Benese, and this bridge bears his name.
Upon completion of construction, the bridge had 22 arched spans and a length of 915 m and connected the territories of France and the Papal State. It became the first ferry for travelers and merchants who walked along the Rhone from the sea. There were border outposts, as well as points for collecting taxes and duties.
The restless nature of the Rhone caused numerous damage to this structure. The first arch of the bridge collapsed in 1603, and then, in 1605, three more arches collapsed. However, in 1628 all four spans were restored. A new collapse occurred a few years after the opening of the renovated bridge - in 1633 two arches collapsed, and in 1669, after a severe flood, only four spans remained on the Rhone. Only these four spans and the chapel of St. Nicholas on the second pylon, of a mixed Romanesque-Gothic style, have survived to this day.
The two-story chapel of St. Nicholas, located in the center of a dilapidated bridge, served as the burial place of St. Benedict, the patron saint of Provence. In 1674, the relics of the saint were transferred to the Celestine Church of Avignon, but during the French Revolution the relics of the saint were lost.
Description added:
Evgeniya 2016-17-05
According to French historians, the assertion that the bridge was built for only 7-8 years is incorrect. In their opinion, the construction of the bridge took more than 100 years.