Not only many Russian cities, but also the centers of regions, territories, republics have acquired their own heraldic symbols. True, in many cases the official symbols of the territories and its capital are identical or differ slightly. For example, the coat of arms of the Perm Territory practically repeats the emblem of Perm itself. The main difference lies in the inclusion of the 15th century princely crown in the composition.
Description of the official symbol of the Perm region
In any photo you can see this beautiful coat of arms, worthy of any state. The composition consists of the following equal parts: a scarlet shield with the image of a bear, the Gospel and a cross; richly decorated princely crown.
The authors of the coat of arms project used two primary colors, both of which are popular heraldic. In percentage terms, the scarlet color dominates, which is present in the design of the background of the shield and crown.
The second place is taken by white, heraldic silver. Firstly, a bear and an eight-pointed cross are depicted on the shield in silver. Secondly, the same tone is used in the decoration of the headdress of the princes, with its help the snow-white ermine fur is shown, as well as the pearls that adorn the crown.
In third place in terms of volume is the precious gold color used to decorate the cover of the Gospel, as well as present in the crown. Blue and green are only shown interspersed to emphasize the precious stones used to trim the crown.
Immersion in history
During the time of Ivan the Terrible, the so-called "Perm Seal" appeared, which symbolized the entry of the Cherdyn (Great Perm) principality into the Russian state. This seal featured the image of a familiar animal - a bear.
In 1672, the "Big State Book", which contains descriptions and images of the coats of arms of Russian cities, gives a description of the heraldic symbol, where the Gospel is added to the bear, as a symbol of Christianity spreading across the lands, a symbol of enlightenment.
The bear was previously interpreted as local wild peoples that need to be baptized and enlightened. Later, the symbolic meaning was changed, it acts as a part of the natural wealth of this region, as well as a protector from external enemies. By the way, before the formation of the Perm Territory, the Perm Region that existed in these territories used the same heraldic symbol, approved in 1995.