It may seem strange to someone that the coat of arms of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is not decorated with the owner of the taiga, a bear, or a close neighbor, a formidable Ussuri tiger, but a graceful lion, made in the best heraldic traditions of the countries of the Old World, and even armed with such tools as a sickle and a shovel …
Rich color palette
The main heraldic symbol of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has different tones and shades. Some of them are very popular, quite often found in the coats of arms of countries and cities, for example, gold, which looks great on color photos and in illustrations.
In this color, the image of the central character on the shield is made, as well as the hotel's secondary details. Also in the coat of arms of the region there is a lot of scarlet, which acts as the background of the shield, and in the drawing of small details outside it. Another feature of the color palette of this symbol is the presence of two shades of blue - azure and light blue. These shades are associated with the main waterway of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the Yenisei.
Description of the heraldic symbol
The full version of the coat of arms of the Krasnoyarsk Territory consists of several important elements, including:
- a traditional French shield with the image of a lion;
- a pedestal crowning the shield, decorated with order ribbons;
- framing a wreath of oak and cedar branches entwined with a ribbon.
The central character of the coat of arms is a lion, in this image he acts as a symbol of strong local authority, courage, courage, courage. The tools are reminiscent of the main items of paraphernalia of the Soviet regime.
The sickle acts as a kind of reminder of the role of agriculture in the life of the local population. Instead of the famous hammer, a shovel is depicted on the coat of arms, since in the first place in the Krasnodar Territory is the extraction of minerals, and only then its processing. Oak leaves are traditionally associated with military glory, courage and valor, and cedar leaves are a direct reference to the natural resources of the region.
It is interesting that the pedestal with the order ribbons was placed by the authors of the sketch at the top of the coat of arms, and not at the base, which makes the composition look somewhat heavy. These ribbons are evidence of the heroic history of the region and its inhabitants, two of them correspond to the ribbons of the Order of Lenin, which the Krasnoyarsk Territory received in 1956 and 1970, the third ribbon corresponds to the Order of the October Revolution, received in 1984.
The local law on the main heraldic symbol prescribes colors and elements of the image, and it is allowed to reproduce it in a one-color version.