This coat of arms was adopted quite recently - only in 1984. Prior to this, the coat of arms of Guinea had some differences. Interestingly, the latest version of the most important state symbol was adopted as a result of the change of power after a coup d'état. Before that, the coat of arms had an image of an elephant as a symbol of the Democratic Party. In 1997, another small change took place in the main emblem of the country.
Brief description of the coat of arms
The coat of arms of Guinea has a base - a shield, at the bottom of which - the colors from the national flag: red, yellow and green. These colors have strict symbolism:
- Red is the blood shed as a result of the struggle for state independence.
- Yellow is a symbol of the hot sun of Guinea, because it is located in a belt where it is summer all year round.
- Green is a symbol of the rich African nature.
The coat of arms has an image of a dove with a branch and a motto ribbon with the inscription “Labor, Justice, Solidarity”. The motto is written in French.
The coat of arms of Guinea uses the colors of the national flag to show the solid foundations of statehood and to demonstrate state power. The dove is the main symbol of peace, as well as a sign of order in the country. In 1993, the images of all symbols of the Guinean coat of arms were changed to some extent.
Why on the coat of arms of Guinea until 1997 there were images of a sword and a rifle
Apparently, the presence of these images on the main state symbol of the country is associated with many historical events. It is known that in the Middle and New Ages, there was a constant fierce struggle between many tribes on the territory of the country. Because of this confrontation, states constantly arose and disappeared. This internecine struggle influenced the fact that such militaristic symbols appeared on the main state emblem.
Since the French began to rule the territory of Guinea, they began to work on the creation of the state emblem. She was soon invented: the first emblems were developed at the end of the century before last. After the proclamation of the country's independence, the state emblem of the country was finally approved.