Feofania description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev

Feofania description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev
Feofania description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev

Description of the attraction

Feofania - under this name the people of Kiev know two objects at once - a hospital and a park. Interest for tourists is, of course, the park, recognized as a monument of gardening art. Unique plants grow on this territory, there is a complex of lakes, alpine hills and beautiful alleys. Also here you can find the Church of Panteleimon the Healer and the holy healing springs with a font. For the first time, the territory of the park was mentioned in the chronicle of 1471, however, then it was called Lazarevschina. At first it belonged to a secular person, but in the 16th century it passed into the hands of the church, which did everything for the park to flourish.

This park is not only a cozy place to relax, it is also a real historical monument. Since ancient times, the park has been considered an excellent place to effectively heal not only the body, but also the soul. There is even a pilgrim trail along which healing springs are located. One of the most popular such springs is a spring called “Tears of the Mother of God” (explained by some salty water). The road from the monastery forest leads to a series of lakes, near which picnics are often held. Despite the fact that there is a forest untouched by man nearby, the territory of the park itself has been ennobled. Here you can see gazebos entwined with flowers, flower beds planted with ornamental plants, fountains and benches for travelers. There are also medicinal plants in the park - chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, lavender, etc.

The Feofania Park especially attracts newlyweds, who like to be photographed against the background of lawns, equipped according to all the rules of landscape art. So in this park you can not only have a great weekend, walk in the forest or have a family picnic, but also just go to church.

