Not a single person will have any doubts when answering the question of how the coat of arms of Tula should look like and what elements will be present on it. Naturally, these are either weapons, or certain parts of them, or tools with which weapons are created. For this Russian settlement, the glory of the city of arms masters has long been entrenched.
Description of the coat of arms
Naturally, the great empress had a hand in introducing the heraldic symbol of Tula into the business and cultural circulation. It was Catherine II who, by her highest decree of 1778, approved the image of the coat of arms of this city and other settlements of the Tula governorship.
The coat of arms of Tula was used by the city authorities until 1917, then there was a break, since the time had come for a new government and new symbols. In 1992, the historical coat of arms was restored as the official heraldic sign.
For the shield, the traditional French shape in the form of a rectangle has been chosen; its lower part has a pointed center and rounded ends. Both the symbols of the modern Tula coat of arms and its color palette are identical to those described in the Decree of Catherine II. The following elements are present on the shield: silver sword blades; silver barrel of a gun; two golden hammers. All these symbols demonstrate that one of the best ("worthy") arms factories in Russia is located in Tula.
From the history of the emergence of the coat of arms
By the Decree of Emperor Peter I, a special office was created in 1772, which was supposed to be engaged in drawing up the coats of arms of Russian cities. Count Santi, an Italian by birth, created heraldic signs based on the descriptions that were sent to him from different localities.
About Tula, of course, it was reported that there is a factory that produces "fusay barrels", "bayonet tubes". On the basis of this description, the first city coat of arms was compiled, however, its approval took place much later, during the reign of the great empress, who streamlined the Russian heraldic system.
The return of the historical coat of arms of Tula took place only in 1992; in Soviet times, this symbol was actively used only in souvenir products. An interesting fact is that the heraldic symbol of the Tula region is practically similar to the city one. There is only one difference, the shield of the city sign adorns the gun barrel, the shield of the area - the blade of the sword.