Restaurants in Singapore

Restaurants in Singapore
Restaurants in Singapore
photo: Restaurants in Singapore
photo: Restaurants in Singapore

Singapore, which is hardly noticeable on the map, whose territory occupies only 171 places in the world in terms of area, nevertheless, can give one hundred points ahead of any state in terms of the number of points where you can eat. Restaurants in Singapore, literally, are at every turn, and by their nationality you can study geography. Located at the crossroads of Asian transport and trade routes and home to expats from dozens of countries, Singapore has gratefully absorbed their traditions and customs to become one of the most cosmopolitan countries on the planet's map.

Choose from twenty thousand

This is the number of catering outlets marked on the map of Singapore, and therefore it is not easy to make a choice. You will have to be guided by the size of your wallet, culinary preferences and common sense:

  • The cheapest dishes are offered by street vendors. They are called "hokers", and their carts are the simplest and most budgetary way to eat. There is no need to fear for your health, because Singapore is one of the cleanest cities in the world and the observance of sanitary standards is strictly monitored here. It is the carts of the "hockers" that save tourists who are on a spree at night from hunger, because all stationary restaurants in Singapore usually close by 23 o'clock.
  • Alternative to "hockers" - Food-court's in the city center. They are platforms with stalls around the perimeter, where they sell dishes of Chinese, Malay and other Asian cuisines. The same food courts are present in shopping centers with the only difference that you can also find restaurants of famous world fast food chains there. The price of lunch will be from 3 to 7 euros, depending on preferences and the amount ordered.
  • Inexpensive cafes in Singapore do not differ in the aesthetics of the interior. But they do offer good food at a reasonable price. You can have lunch in such a cafe from 11 to 14 hours, and the average bill per person will not exceed 9 euros.
  • There are pretentious restaurants in Singapore, but they are very expensive and require adherence to the dress code. If a visit to such an institution does not seem inappropriate for a tourist, he will have to part with at least a hundred euros for the opportunity to try a dish from a world-renowned chef.

Important little things

Tipping is not accepted in Singapore restaurants and should not be offered, so as not to embarrass staff. Some establishments already include a service commission in the bill, which greatly eases the position of a generous guest who wants to mark a waiter he likes.
