Tours in Guangzhou

Tours in Guangzhou
Tours in Guangzhou
photo: Tours in Guangzhou
photo: Tours in Guangzhou

Guangzhou has the official status of a city of sub-provincial importance, while more than 13 million people officially consider it their home - truly, a metropolitan scale! The modern and dynamically developing capital of Guangdong province is a record holder in many other respects, and therefore tours to Guangzhou are of constant interest both among Russian businessmen and ordinary citizens interested in the culture and life of their large eastern neighbor.

History with geography

The Chinese call the multi-million dollar metropolis either "the city of goats" or "the city of flowers", while the Europeans once knew it as Canton. Guangzhou is located near the coast of the South China Sea, where the Pearl River flows into its waters.

Tour participants in Guangzhou will be interested to know that the metropolis boasts a history spanning almost thirty centuries. From here, sea caravans began to move along the Great Silk Road, ships of the countries that traded with the Celestial Empire even before the onset of a new era moored in the local port.

An interesting historical feature of Guangzhou is that opposition to the existing government has always been concentrated here and rebellious moods have often flared up against the Beijing ruling elite.

Briefly about the important

  • Warm and humid weather in the region is ensured by the subtropical climate and the proximity of the sea. The largest amount of precipitation falls from April to September. During this period, temperature indicators are steadily striving upward, and therefore walking and sightseeing may not be very comfortable. It is best to book tours to Guangzhou for the winter period, when the air warms up to +27, but rains are rare enough.
  • The city produces a huge number of traditional handicrafts and handicrafts. While on a tour in Guangzhou, you can buy great souvenirs for friends and colleagues. Lacquer boxes, carved ivory figurines, jade ornaments, delicate embroidery and silk fans and umbrellas - all these unique items are sold in the local shopping centers and markets.
  • The easiest way to get around the city is to take the Guangzhou Metro. This will help to avoid traffic jams and congestion. High-speed bus transport can also be an alternative solution. Where the routes of its movement pass, special transport lanes are allocated for buses.
  • All tours in Guangzhou usually start at Baiyun International Airport, which is connected to the city by a high-speed train.
