Nahuel Huapi National Park description and photos - Argentina: Rio Negro

Nahuel Huapi National Park description and photos - Argentina: Rio Negro
Nahuel Huapi National Park description and photos - Argentina: Rio Negro
Nahuel Huapi National Park
Nahuel Huapi National Park

Description of the attraction

Nahuel Huapi National Park is located in the south of Argentina. The park is named after the main attraction - Lake Nahuel Huapi. At present, the territory of the park occupies about 785 thousand hectares.

The main goal of the park is to protect natural complexes of evergreen cedar and beech forests. Some of these trees reach 500 years of age. The fauna of the protected area is unique and exotic. Here you can find such interesting animals as pygmy deer pudu, armadillo, whiskach, mouse opossum, Andean deer, guanaco, fallow deer. Among the birds, the Chilean hummingbird, the Magellanic woodpecker, the wedge-tailed parrot, the black-necked swan, and the rhea are noteworthy.

One of the natural attractions of the park is the extinct volcano Tronador. Its height reaches 3491 m above sea level.

The main attraction of the park - Lake Nahuel Huapi - is located at an altitude of 767 m above sea level. But tourists are attracted not only by the unusually beautiful nature of the lake and local forests. Nahuel Huapi is included in the list of mysterious lakes of the planet. It is believed that a mysterious creature similar to the Loch Ness lives in the lake. This monster was also named after the lake. The mysterious creature is periodically shown to tourists and locals. There are numerous legends of the Indian tribes who lived on the shore of the lake. They speak of a terrible monster living at the bottom of the Nahuel Huapi. Scientists who came to test theories and rumors have not yet discovered anything. Nevertheless, a huge number of tourists flock to the lake in the hope of seeing the monster.

Local residents enjoy the glory of the lake with might and main. Guests are offered numerous souvenirs depicting the monster. Also very popular among tourists are car trips in the park, especially the "round the world" 280 km long.

The best tourist seasons here are considered to be the periods from January to March and from July to September.

