Manor Grokholskikh description and photos - Ukraine: Vinnitsa

Manor Grokholskikh description and photos - Ukraine: Vinnitsa
Manor Grokholskikh description and photos - Ukraine: Vinnitsa
The Grokholsky estate
The Grokholsky estate

Description of the attraction

The Grokholsky estate is a cultural and historical landmark of the city of Vinnitsa, located at 32 Michurina Street. The estate was built in the 18th century by Count Mikhail Grokholsky from Poland. The two-storey Grokholsky palace was built in the early classicism style. It includes a palace, an outbuilding and a pavilion. They are located in the middle of an ancient landscape park with an area of 32 hectares.

The majestic castle was built by Turkish and Tatar prisoners. From the very beginning, it served not only for living, but also for protection. The palace was square in plan and had one floor, two-tier towers towered at its corners, and two single-tier square towers were located a little further. Ramparts and ditches extended from them, which surrounded the fortress square. The vaulted entrance gate completed the image of the fortress.

The Grokholsky estate amazes with its simplicity and severity. Throughout its history, the estate and the palace have gone through hard times, as a result of which the buildings have lost their original appearance, but some of them were still managed to be restored. True, the castle was renewed only on one side.

Some time after the construction of the palace, a beautiful garden was planted on the estate. It has become a real amazing park with a beautiful landscape, beautiful alleys and branchy trees. The park still exists today. Today, young couples can not only walk in this park, but find a place for a beautiful wedding photography. The reconstruction of the park was carried out by the Ukrainian landscape painter and architect D. McClair.

At the present time, a polyclinic and an endocrinological dispensary are located within the walls of the estate.

