Manor of the Counts Borkhov (Grafu Borhu dzimtas muizas apbuves kompleksu ar parku) description and photos - Latvia: Preili

Manor of the Counts Borkhov (Grafu Borhu dzimtas muizas apbuves kompleksu ar parku) description and photos - Latvia: Preili
Manor of the Counts Borkhov (Grafu Borhu dzimtas muizas apbuves kompleksu ar parku) description and photos - Latvia: Preili
The estate of the counts Borkh
The estate of the counts Borkh

Description of the attraction

The estate of the counts Borkh is located in the town of Preili. In general, such a complex of buildings, which included a castle, a chapel, a stable, etc., was typical in the landscape and architecture of the Preili District of the 19th century. The following buildings have been fully or partially preserved from the complex of buildings on the estate of the Counts Borkh: the castle itself, a chapel, a gatehouse, a stable, a gardener's and servants' houses, a park gate, as well as fragments of a protective wall.

The Borkh family plays a significant role in the history of Preili. Their roots come from southern Italy, where they were feudal owners. This family from Naples (kingdom in southern Italy) moved to Germany. In the 13th century, some of them moved to Pomerania, another clan branch settled in Poland, and the third moved to Livonia.

The manor chapel is located in the park. It was built by Count Joseph Heinrich Borch in 1817 as the family temple of the family estate. The custom of building chapels at the estates arose in the 70s of the 18th century after the church authorities forbade the burial of the dead in churches. Therefore, those who could afford it began to build personal chapels, in the basements of which tombs were built for burial.

Daily services were held in the chapel by the priest who lived on the estate. The service was attended by both members of the family of the counts and the workers of the estate.

The chapel was destroyed during the Second World War. For several decades after that, nothing was done to restore the chapel. In 1995, the Preili Roman Catholic Church restored the ownership of the chapel. Since that time, an important historical object has been kept in order and periodically restored.

Today, first of all, the chapel is interesting from the point of view of artwork on religious themes. Here you can see copies of famous paintings by Renaissance artists - Michelangelo, Botticelli, Murillo, Correggio.

There are various legends about this chapel. So, for example, they say that ghosts have been seen here many times. Which, however, were not evil and not dangerous.

Today the Borchov family park is also a city park. Huge trees grow here. The territory of Preili Park is crossed by small canals. It is very cozy and calm here. In the middle of the 20th century, a wooden stage was erected on the territory of the park, 30 years later, a new one was built. Which was designed for 4,000 spectators. During the holidays. The stage is used as a stage, theatrical performances are also staged on it.

In the near future, it is planned to equip an active recreation area near the old stables. In addition, it is planned to restore the castle and put the entertainment infrastructure in proper order.


| All reviews 0 tatko 2013-27-04 1:48:19 AM

Who destroyed the chapel and when? Link to the source, please! I am from this city, doing local history. Or an incorrect translation, or information from a sieve.

5 Makar 2012-26-09 8:33:49 AM

Chapel In 1920, the chapel was transferred to the jurisdiction of the church. The altar was restored and services were held. Every first Tuesday in July, a procession was sent from the church to the chapel. After World War II, the building was once again destroyed and was no longer used. catholic …

3 tatko 2012-25-09 2:29:03 AM

chapel It’s interesting: where do people get information to create such masterpieces?

From the day of its construction to today, there is a chapel!

Another thing is that after the Great Patriotic War, they did not think of what to open there, but there were plans - they did not reach their hands. And now the beauty! Renovated for private …

