Moscow Puppet Theater description and photos - Russia - Moscow: Moscow

Moscow Puppet Theater description and photos - Russia - Moscow: Moscow
Moscow Puppet Theater description and photos - Russia - Moscow: Moscow
Moscow puppet theater
Moscow puppet theater

Description of the attraction

The Moscow Puppet Theater was founded in 1930 and is the oldest puppet theater operating in our time. It was founded in the Gosizdat system and at first (until 1937) was called the "Theater of Children's Books". The theater received its current name in 1954.

The opening of a puppet theater in the Gosizdat system was associated with the goal of promoting children's literature. The State Publishing House was headed by A. B. Khalatov. He created the Children's Book Theater, which in September 1930 received the status of a professional theater. Its first artistic director was V. Schwemberger. The main spectators of the performances were children between the ages of three and twelve. The main repertoire performances of the theater were fairy tales. These were all sorts of fairy tales: folk and literary, Russian and foreign. The theater's repertoire included many performances: Aibolit, Moidodyr, Twelve Months, Thumbelina, The Little Mermaid, Geese-Swans, Scarlet Flower, Mashenka and the Bear, The Ugly Duckling, Bunny and Toptyzhka, Teremok, Hedgehog, Nutcracker, Snow Queen, Blue Bird, Chipollo The Wizard of Oz.

The Moscow Puppet Theater was extremely popular from 1986 to 1991. During these years, Leonid Khait created his famous "theater on wheels", which was called "People and Dolls". During these years the theater became one of the main points on the map of the capital's cultural life. The theater troupe took part in international festivals and won various awards. The theater's repertoire includes performances for teenagers and adults. With the departure of L. Khait from the theater, the heyday of the theater ended.

In 2012, a renovation process began at the Moscow Puppet Theater, which should lead to global changes. A successful production team has been invited to the theater. The absence of an artistic director in the theater must be compensated for by a strict concept of his development. The tasks of the new leadership include the creation of a troupe of a high professional level. An important part of the theater's activities should be a special curriculum for actors - puppeteers.

The interiors of the theater will be changed. They will become multifunctional, and designers will try to create a comfortable atmosphere. It is assumed that the Moscow Puppet Theater will turn into a modern center of "puppet life".

Nowadays, performances of touring theaters are held on the stage of the Moscow Puppet Theater. Mostly there are performances by directors from other cities. The most interesting exhibitions are held in the foyer of the theater. One of them was the Travel of Suitcase Houses exhibition. It presents unique toys and dolls from factories such as Bru, Kammer & Reinhardt, Simon & Halbig and many others. The exposition is designed in an unusually creative way. This exposition is part of the collection of the Museum of Puppet Art from the city of Riga.

